Phil wrote a letter in return that Katharine rightly describes as pretty strange: One morning when you were despairing I tried to help you by words. As she grew older and more self-confident, she could be imperious, even frightening to her editors and executives, but her desire to please, or at least to get along with, those in power, never entirely faded. Sometime after the "brainwashing" party, Johnson urged Phil to be at his side during the final push for passage of the bill. Robert McNamara, Henry Kissinger, Lawrence Eagleburger, George Shultz, Paul Nitze, Douglas Dillon, McGeorge Bundy, Jack Valenti, Joe Califano: her list of establishment friends is long and decidedly nonpartisan. Nonetheless, Phil was the fizz in our lives. She had not thought about what marriage entailed in the way of relationships to spouse and children, Graham writes. The charge of subverting a whole political process, that is a fantasy, a work of fiction rivalling only Gone with the Wind in circulation and Portnoys Complaint for indecency, Colson said. There were moments of strain between us, mostly when he drank too much, after which -- almost inevitably -- a rather violent quarrel would ensue, followed by abject apologies and diminished drinking, or even a temporary period of no drinking at all. Still, I believed that with enough rest he'd recover and we'd go on. The moment of happiness you gave me is more help than most people are given in a lifetime, Thank you for it. I think he felt he'd done such harm the last time around that he just couldn't deal with it, couldn't fix everything. I had to face facts -- Phil was really gone. At one point, President Kennedy dispatched a Presidential plane to get him from Phoenix to Washington. Love is still strong between Dr. Phil McGraw and his wife Robin, who celebrates 43 years of married life in August 2019. This is, for me, the most painful thing to look back on. Phil wrote him on March 17, 1940, in his nervousness misspelling my name: "I am going to get married. At once he became my father's close collaborator. Tenants in Rent-Controlled Units Could See as Much as 8.9 Percent Increases, The Cranky Redskins Fans Guide to Dan Snyder. He was the publisher (from 1946 until his death) and co-owner (from 1948) of The Washington Post. He was acutely aware of the dilemma that arose from the fact that, as he put it, "a newspaper must be a successful commercial enterprise in order to survive. ), Graham had undeniably, historically, made the right decision, and in the years to come she supported the investigative efforts of the Post; but the signs of her ambivalence about her social and political role never ceased. It was not what Phil needed at that time, but it was what he wanted -- an irresistible temptation to be engaged in an exciting venture that would, in fact, alter the shape of the world. Phil wasn't much better than I, but went at it with much more enthusiasm and natural energy -- so much so that at one of the parties his pants split horizontally across the rear. Robin Webb (Robin Elaine Riddle) See Photos. To find it out and tell it." The whole idea of buying Newsweek and adding yet another huge responsibility to his already too-full plate made me nervous. Mrs. Graham blinked and said, I think its time to go.. Robin was sent away with too little care or attention. That decision may have been right for me, she writes, but it was so wrong for Bill and Steve and even for Donso wrong that I wonder how I could have made it. For her part, Katharine would go on to helm the Post, becoming its de facto publisher during the famed Watergate era and, in 1979, becoming the first woman to hold the title officially. This had become enough of an issue in my mind that, despite my misgivings, I came down on the side of the Newsweek purchase, it so clearly being something Phil would have done on his own. Graham heard him. Robin, who is a philanthropist, entrepreneur, and best-selling author, opened up about their marriage on her husband's podcast, "Phil in the Blanks." "We don't have the perfect marriage," she admitted. Mrs. Grahams personal relations with the powerful and the once powerful became, if anything, even more visible after Watergate. Terms & Conditions He had the ideas, the jokes, the games. Meyer began his financial career by investing six hundred dollars his father had given him for not smoking until he was twenty-one. How could a woman reared in such exquisite privilegeone whose circle of friends, among them Robert McNamara and Henry Kissinger, Lyndon Johnson and Nancy Reagan, rarely widened beyond the most powerful lites of Washington and New Yorktake such risks? I grew up considerably, mostly thanks to him. Yet, the publisher must realize that he has obligations which transcend any commercial interest.". See Photos. City Lights: Your weekly guide to artsy goings-on, hitting your inbox Thursdays and Sundays. He sparked ideas, praised and persuaded, criticized and cajoled. Phil then cut a deal. Perhaps it was true. Graham had every reason to refuse or defer publication of the Pentagon Papers. But what of it? "Y'all are doingreallocal D.C. Graham found herself agreeing: Saarinen would not get an offer. Phil Graham's descent into the abyss of manic depression accelerated, and on 24 December 1962 she discovered that he was embroiled in an affair with a Newsweek stringer, Robin Webb. He held onto his balance for only another month before his first major depression set in. Oh, you know, he said, during a campaign they put these things in your hands and you just read them. (Dole admitted the same to a Times reporter after the 1996 campaign. Robin Webb. Money, my fathers being Jewish, and sex were taboo subjects at home. He committed suicide that day. Maksym Levin started documenting war to become famous. After seeing conflict up close, his motivations shifted. Born Katharine Meyer on June 16, 1917, in New York City; died on July 17, 2001, in Idaho; daughter of Eugene Meyer (owner of . He operated on the theory that it was important to do with our four children only those things he himself enjoyed -- no dull board games, but hunting, fishing, walking. I told her that this woman, this very important woman, was gravely ill and in need of immediate medical attention. Despite his early apprehensions about my father's wealth, politics, and possible impulse to control, Phil gradually grew very close to him. I bolted out of the room and ran around in a frenzy looking for him. From the start, Katharine was dazzled by her husbands intelligence and wit, his ability to light up a room: He began to liberate me from my family and from the myths they had propagated. But she was resentful as well. Getting it launched was a full-time job, requiring massive organizational skills, infinite tact and patience, and a huge amount of time and energy. Katharine Grahams establishment position on the war did not go unnoticed. AKA Philip Leslie Graham. Phil was born in 1915 in . Though Phil knew nothing about the newspaper business -- or any business, for that matter -- his brains and abilities served him well. However, on Feb. 4, he traveled to New York and went straight to Idlewild, where he met Robin once more. In 1967, Katharine wrote a letter to Johnson (not quoted in the book) expressing enormous empathy: These times are so difficult that my heart bleeds for you. While publisher of the Post, he grew so close to L.B.J. He came to Washington in 1917 as a dollar-a-year man for the Wilson Administration; and, while he was holding a variety of positions on the War Industries Board, the Farm Loan Board, and the Federal Reserve Board, the Meyers became friendly with Bernard Baruch, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Charles Evans Hughes. Sometimes Katharine glimpsed her parents as they were dressing to go out, or as Agnes was being massaged and manicured in preparation for the evenings entertainment. I simply didnt connect my lack of self-confidence with his behavior to me., The end of this increasingly painful marriage was prolonged and extremely public. After the war, Phil Graham was even more national security conscious than before. His most passionate political interests are local. Except for the $500 present, I never used a cent of my own until two years later, when Phil went into the Army. The Grahams ran their rather expensive household out of Katharines trust fund; meanwhile, Meyer gave Phil nearly three times as many shares of Post stock as he gave his daughter. friends for the Aegean cruise. To win the paper, Phil employed the most feared lawyer in Washington, Edward Bennett Williams. Robin Webb. The Life and Death of a Ukrainian Photographer. I cannot tell you how pained I am by the circumstances which have caused you, quite unnecessarily, distress and concern, Jovanovich wrote in a cowering letter to Mrs. Graham. This being Russia, however, I could not bet with any confidence against the possibility that he was at this very moment converting his cash into a refreshing liquidity at some local bote. In 1966, Truman Capote, her neighbor at the U.N. Plaza, where she kept a New York apartment, threw his famous Black-and-White costume ball for her. Much of his activity was related to politics. The legends of correspondents and their varying abilities to cope with a royal visit were countless. But although I was thoroughly fascinated and charmed by Phil, I was also slightly resentful, when I thought about it, at feeling such complete dependence on another person. He was the publisher (from 1946 until his death) and co-owner (from 1948) of The Washington Post. Katharine Graham, the general secretary of the Washington Post Company, and a planeload of senior editors would soon arrive in town to conduct it. The most imposing woman in journalism delivers an unexpectedly confessional autobiography. In the summer of 1949, there were race riots in Washington over the integration of a city swimming pool. Graham eventually met Australian journalist Robin Webb, and in 1962 they began an affair. Please reload the page and try again. The end result of all this was that many of us, by middle age, arrived at the state we were trying most to avoid: we bored our husbands, who had done their fair share in helping reduce us to this condition, and they wandered off to younger, greener pastures. Almost pathetically, he asked not to go back to Chestnut Lodge. He stepped up his connection to Lyndon Johnson. The Post was his instrument, his means of being listened to. He acknowledged that he used humor as a weapon with which to keep people at a distance. Seelye. Robin Lee Graham is seen on his boat "Dove" during his solo trip around the world in the late 1960s. In the beginning, even Richard Nixon got the same treatment. He was one month shy of his 31st birthday, the youngest publisher of a major newspaper in America. During the 1988 visit to Moscow, I remember, Mrs. Graham said that perhaps she ought to telephone Nancy and tell her about the lengths that the Kremlin was going to in preparing for an imminent summit. Email or phone: Password: . Advertisement. Phil would be publisher in title and in fact. Phil viewed this whole sequence of events, with some reason, as a violation of his rights and civil liberties. He told me that he loved me and said we would be married and go to Florida, if I could live with only two dresses, because I had to understand that he would never take anything from my father and we would live on what he made. The evening was fine and fun. This is about enough to mention about the family except possibly to reemphasize that they are lousy rich -- for instance, they live in an absurdly huge vulgar castle here, have another in N.Y., have a ranch in Wyoming, etc. John Ehrlichman, Ronald Ziegler, H. R. Haldeman, and Nixon himself all charged the Post with disloyalty. I had visions of that fellow in the balloon, high above the plain, floating into journalistic obscurity, so I did what one cannot ordinarily do with a babushka. Years later he told me that he had developed his wit and humor as a way to deal with his younger-boy social and athletic disadvantages. On the first great story of her era as publisherthe war in Vietnamthe Posts performance was nearly an embarrassment. Readers like you keep our work free for everyone to read. She, too, saw it, felt its heat, and began running for the exit. When they were taken to see JFK, Phil spoke -- "shrewdly and eloquently," according to Joe -- pointing out all the obvious things that Johnson could add to the ticket and noting that not having Johnson on the ticket would certainly be trouble. and mass movements aimed at breaking the President. Eventually, the debate over the war led to a shift in the editorial pagethe conservative Russell Wiggins was replaced by the more liberal Philip Geyelinbut the Post never completely distinguished itself on Vietnam. But hurry, she said. This article is adapted from the forthcoming book "Personal History" by Katharine Graham, to be published by Alfred A. Knopf. CAPTION: Phil Graham, as publisher of The Washington Post, often involved the paper in righting wrongs, as he saw them. On Saturday, Aug. 3, Phil's driver picked him up at Chestnut Lodge, and then they came to R Street to get me. Katharine Graham is now seventy-nine, and the Post is in the hands of her son Donald, who is fifty-one. Four months prior, the 48-year-old Graham had delivered a famous and oft-quoted speech to Newsweek correspondents in London, in which he popularized the idea of journalism as a first rough draft of history. (Graham is oftenmistakenly credited with coining the phrase, though it had already been in use at Post newsroom for several decades.). Phil knew he controlled The Post because my father had given him the majority of A shares. Perhaps if the turmoil had ended there he might have been able to rest and get his strength back. Around this time, my father decided to pass the paper on to Phil and me. Someone -- I've never been sure who -- reached President Kennedy, who agreed to the use of a government plane to transport the doctors to get Phil. . He was married to Katharine Graham, the daughter of Eugene Meyer, the previous owner of The Washington Post. We don't have one. It was very much in Felix's nature, and he was dealing with two men -- Phil and Joe -- to whom he was as close as though they were his sons. Having Phil back was a tremendous -- and tremendously complicated -- relief. After the honeymoon, we settled into our little house, which we rented for $80 a month in a pleasant neighborhood called Burleith. Phil's activities in regard to Little Rock were the first sign for me that something was wrong with him, that his powerful talents could be used in such an idealistic but confusing and irrational way. Robin Webb. That. Check out the latest pictures, photos and images of Phil Graham. . Phil's invitations often came in the form of commands, and this was one. I adopted the assumption of many of my generation that women were intellectually inferior to men, that we were not capable of governing, leading, managing anything but our homes and our children. If there are any smart literary agents around these days, one of them will copyright the title The Breaking of the President, the piece said, for it is becoming more obvious with every passing day that the men and the movement that broke Lyndon B. Johnsons authority in 1968 are out to break Richard M. Nixon in 1969.. See Photos. We had lunch on two trays on the back porch at Glen Welby, chatting and listening to some classical records. He was in charge of a losing newspaper in what was rapidly becoming the capital of the world. . It was plain white crpe with slate-colored beads around the neck and the sleeves. The car, at least, was waiting and its driver was sober. I told you how lonely it had been when I had visited my Far Country and how I could not get near enough to help you in your Far Country. The second week in February, he called me at work late one afternoon suggesting that we have dinner at Harvey's, a famous old seafood restaurant next door to the Mayflower, where we could buy the early edition of The Post. His remarks quickly degenerated, turning into nonsense interspersed with ugly language. After a hurricane struck in 1926, the sugar company gave up and his father developed a dairy business on some of the land. . By this time, Robin had returned to Paris. . Because of this, he never put a name to Phil's illness. I was not about to give up the paper without a fight. She was flushed, delighted. His widow was left to confront all the myths and all the insulations that her marriage, her class, and her sex had imposed on her. Phil drove me home, and we talked for a long time. He ended up on his hands and knees, crawling around at the last minute to retrieve one of Lyndon's contact lenses. Probably the greatest debate the paper must face, both in the newsroom and as a story, is the divide between black and white. By signing up, you agree to our User Agreement and Privacy Policy & Cookie Statement. . Liz at Large At last, we could begin to believe that The Post was here to stay. At dinner that night, Phil stood up and went straight to the lectern, where he began to speak. Phil firmly stated his intention to divorce me and marry Robin. But that is the way Phil Graham wanted it. The New Yorker may earn a portion of sales from products that are purchased through our site as part of our Affiliate Partnerships with retailers. That Christmas Eve afternoon, the world I had known and loved ended for me. Her name is Katherine Meyer and I've not a doubt in the world that you'll love her. When she suggested to the Newsweek editors that it might be a good idea to hire Aline Saarinen, of the Times, to edit the back of the book, they brushed the suggestion off, saying that the closings were too late, that the physical demands of the job would be too much. He loved me, and I loved him. He loved me, and I loved him. Loose Lips Performance/Dance On Nov. 2, I flew up to Idlewild Airport with Phil to see him off to Europe, where he was going to talk to Larry Norstad. He even got the patients to take a vote among themselves. The mask was made to match, also at Bergdorfs, by Halston, who was then still making hats.) Graham considered the ball a kind of coming out for a middle-aged debutante. But in Pete Hamills column in the New York Post she was suddenly Marie Antoinette. ", Early Thursday morning, Kennedy called Johnson, waking him up and making an appointment to see him a little later. But in the spring of 1971 the Supreme Court had not yet declared its strong support of press freedoms to the degree that it would in the Pentagon Papers case; moreover, the Post itself did not yet have the financial standing or the self-identity to go forward simply and with confidence. He needed Joe's help because Joe had a solid relationship with the black leadership in the country, especially Roy Wilkins, then executive secretary of the NAACP. I had no understanding of the terrible depression he had gone through or the polar-opposite mood that was dominating him at the time. Once married, we were confined to running houses, providing a smooth atmosphere, dealing with children, supporting our husbands. The violence grew steadily. Even now I cant sort out my feelings about this; its hard to separate what was a function of Phils terrible affliction, which manifested itself only later, and what was more basic. For all his seeming irreverence and liberality, Phil Graham was no less domineering than any other husband of his day: Always, it was he who decided and I who responded. In later years, he wanted to mold the career of his friend Senator Lyndon Johnson. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement and Your California Privacy Rights. . Born: 18-Jul-1915 Birthplace: Terry, SD Died: 3-Aug-1963 Location of death: Marshall, VA Cause of death: Suicide . When the plane landed in Washington, he was taken first to George Washington University Hospital and later to Chestnut Lodge, a private mental hospital in a suburb of Washington. Mrs. Graham looked quite handsome, I thought. . Facebook. I hadnt realized that the Post wasnt perfectly okay.). From the start, she was intent on keeping the paper within the family and eventually passing it on to her children. Phil Graham was forty-eight when he died. At the beginning of August 1957, Johnson, who was then Senate majority leader, asked Phil to help him win passage of what became the Civil Rights Act of 1957. Under Philip Graham's management, the newspaper, thanks to its collaboration with the CIA, experienced an upswing and its empire expanded, including the purchase of the then-moribund Newsweek magazine [1] and other media properties. . View the profiles of people named Robin Webb. After lunch, we went upstairs to our bedroom for a nap. The babushka melted. His health, already frail, was affected physically and mentally. At some point, however, not quite three weeks after Christmas Eve, the phones started to work again between Phil and Robin. The story would run on the front page of The Post unless the people with the power to do something about it integrated the pools. In the process of blowing his stack, as only he could do, Ben felt a tap on his shoulder and turned to find Phil, who said, "Okay, buster, come with me," and led the way to his office. Great risk was involved, or so one heard. Baseball Phil stunned Katharine by proposing marriage to her almost instantly, and he followed up the proposal with an insistence that they set out for Florida and a life without family money. They were both from the South. Join Facebook to connect with Robin H Webb and others you may know. Her story was not easy to figure out. I was already committed to Kennedy. Both were full of humor -- with an edge. Eugene Meyer had bought the Washington Post at auction for eight hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars in 1933, and in 1946 he made Phil its publisher. The only other inhabitants were Seminole Indians. Events: A heads up about City Paper events, from panels to parties. Graham was gambling every sort of inheritance that was important to her: the paper, her fortune, and, perhaps most important, the judgment of the ghosts who crowded around her. She rebuffed Norman O. Browns invitation to join the Communist Party. Pretty soon this kind of thinkingindeed, this kind of lifetook its toll: most of us became somehow inferior. See Photos. During that Leningrad trip, the only moment that hinted at something mysterious and human came when we were in a map room at the Hermitage Museum. Robin Webb. She hardly exists in Woodward and Bernsteins books, and she is portrayed in cardboard terms almost everywhere else. At the end of the day, everyone except Phil Graham and me had engagements, so he asked if I wanted to have dinner. A South Dakota native, Philip Graham graduated from Harvard Law School and worked as a clerk to two Supreme Court justices. Post vice president James Truitt arranged with Kennedy to send Air Force 2 to retrieve Graham, who checked in for the first of two brief stays at Chestnut Lodge, then a leading psychiatric hospital in Rockville, Md., that has since burned down. Katharine soon learned of their affair, when she picked up the phone and heard Phil and Robin talking to each other in words that made the situation plain.. . In 1965, Graham helped herself and the paper immeasurably by hiring Ben Bradlee, Newsweeks charismatic bureau chief in Washington and a friend of the Kennedys. And then nothing more. At Harvard, Phil made the Law Review and, at the end of his second year, became its president. In my boyhood as a reporter, I nearly killed the matriarch of the liberal-media conspiracy. Health problems and death that he wrote speeches for him and advised him on civil rights and key appointments; he even had power of attorney for Johnson and went out and found him a house to buy. Robin Webb (Songbird) See Photos. She had not yet developed the steely mask that would later trouble the sleep of her adjutants. Signing On to The Post. Whoops! She did not have to. When a young woman named Deborah Davis published a biography in 1979 called Katharine the Great, Mrs. Graham objected so strongly to its charges and innuendo that the chairman and president of Harcourt Brace, William Jovanovich, ordered the book withdrawn from stores and the inventory of more than twenty thousand copies reduced to pulp. Needless to say, for years I regaled all who would listen with my Katharine Graham story. Despite Phil s constant self-flagellation about being the son-in-law of a rich and powerful clan, he did not shy from the advantages for long. 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Not long after Phil left her, Katharine sent him a desperate telegram: Mascots are for loving helping and listening. I heard Phil and Robin talking to each other in words that made the situation plain. It was incredibly exciting. Yet, with all her complexity, I felt closer throughout my early childhood to my mother than to the very distant and rather difficult figure of my father. It was a loyal nanny, Powelly, who supplied the hugs, the comforting, the feeling of human contact, even the love that my mother did not.. I felt he finally had doctors who were treating a real and known illness. Phil suffered from numerous illnesses, increasingly so as the years went by. I was expected to perform all the pulling and hauling; Phil gave directions and put the fun in my life and the childrens. For example, what I could not have known at the Hermitage is that after the suicide of her husband, on August 3, 1963, and the funeral, Mrs. Graham sent her eldest son, Donald, back to his internship at the Times, sent her two younger sons, Bill and Steve, back to summer camp, and promptly flew off to Europe to meet her eldest childher daughter, Lallyand a group of very O.K. and he began an affair with a young Newsweek staffer, Robin Webb. So Phil returned to Washington and stayed with Lyndon almost constantly for several days, working day and night. I did not go because I did not want to help you. Despite Katharines fear of living out her life alone and unaccomplished, she soon met one of the brightest young men in her Washington circlePhilip Graham, a protg and clerk of Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter. In meeting after meeting, in Washington and New York, she was the only woman in the room, and not a self-confident one at that. COMSAT was a groundbreaking public/private organization, half government, half telephone company. Food News He stormed the podium and berated In England, she lunched with Harold Laski, but then went off to Salzburg to meet her mother, who treated us to the Hotel Bristol and tickets to the music festival there. While a friend went on to visit the socialist experiment in Moscow, Katharine, on the stern advice of her father, did not. Since architects can't go up, they feel like they have to use every inch, so it's a striking building that takes up 80 percent of its block near 12th and F streetsthere are trees and an open area. Mann was once asked if Agnes was German. Nixon himself all charged the Post was here to stay mask that would later trouble the sleep her! That with enough rest he 'd recover and we 'd go on a time! Career of his 31st birthday, the most imposing woman in journalism delivers unexpectedly... 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