Yeah, you still arent gonna upgrade this into Obsidian Axe because that has Dragon Phial, and thats pretty trash. EE also helps with your sidehops, letting you get more distance on those. Use the long recovery frames to precisely iframe attacks! This is a solid option through G3 and G4. Infinite X can weave in the gapcloser attack by using the Forward + X, while infinite A has the Double Slash. Rare. Oh, and you can KO monsters with Exhaust Phial if you hit them on the head, but good luck actually trying to KO things with that. Avoid at all costs if you even think about using Sword Mode. Elemental Discharge Canceling takes up a lot of Switch Gauge, so be careful with it. Hack monsters down with the force behind Axe Mode, while cutting them down with the utility and speed of Sword Mode! Not that were complaining of course, its always nice to have more options, but which of these styles are actually worth your time? Generally speaking, the whole procedure is rather weapon agnostic too, and youll likely see success regardless of your choice, Depending on your tastes, solo monster hunting will either form the entirety, or at the very least some of your basis for playing a Monster Hunter game. The finisher deals 25% + 55% damage. When it comes to SA Phial Types, theres usually only one answer when people ask about it. High raw outbalances low Sharpness when you use Sharpness +2 here. The other styles generally lose out because they either dont have the HA slots in the case of Adept and Valor or theyre generally underwhelming in the case of Aerial and Guild. YAWG and the Yet Another series of Guides and Tools will always be free to use. Secure A Default Cleaning Build. After performing a short animation, your Switch Gauge begins to drain over time, rather than per attack. You can switch between both of your Sword attacks easily, nudging and manoeuvring your hunter around the hunter as you do. Note that this guide will not assume any prior knowledge, regardless of games played before in the Monster Hunter series. Until then, in G rank you can use the Elder switch axe you can easily make from a little bit of gathering. A good way to move yourself and attack at the same time in Sword Mode. Conversely, you move slowly in Sword mode, but its attacks are quick. The other styles generally lose out because they either dont have the HA slots in the case of Adept and Valor or theyre generally underwhelming in the case of Aerial and Guild. Rare 1 Rare 2 Rare 3 Rare 4. Youll deal little damage with this SA, but youll actually have a chance of paralyzing the monster with this one. During Hack n Slash (any style), can perform the special finisher by pressing X. You dont necessarily need a long Sharpness grade on an SA, but if you lack the ability to carry around Razor Sharp, then it might be a good idea to do so. 3 Hunter Art slots (1 SP Art), loses extra attacks from Guild to gain a third HA slot. IMO, the most efficient way to progress through high-rank is a "multi step process". A standard Axe Mode combo. Oh, and you can KO monsters with Exhaust Phial if you hit them on the head, but good luck actually trying to KO things with that. Soulseer Mizutsunes SA is the best Water SA mostly because of Deviant boost, but also because of its decent stats too. Note that this guide will not assume any prior knowledge, regardless of games played before in the Monster Hunter series. 2 yr. ago. I'm looking for some advice on what to get next for my switch axe setup. Try Yet Another Damage Calculator Unite! This will most likely take you to early High Rank, so keep and maintain this armor for a little bit. The new HA introduced in GU, Tempest Axe functions as a parallel to Demon Riot, except it makes your Hack n Slash swings more efficient in terms of Stamina and they also speed up the more you Hack n Slash. Zinogres SA qualifies, with decent raw, Power Phial, and good Sharpness. The most optimal DPS combo for Sword Mode. Dont use Adept SA though since Evasion doesn't stack with Adepts triggering frames. No other SA has quite as much raw or sharpness in this point in the game for a long while, so youd better get used to this. If you somehow managed to get through High Rank without getting Rathalos S, this is a good alternative. YAWG and the Yet Another series of Guides and Tools will always be free to use. Also, you stop performing the HA if you run out of Switch Gauge, so you should probably keep an eye on it. Sword Mode is just way better than Axe Mode for the majority of the time, especially with the power of Energy Charge + Demon Riot. Furthermore, you move at twice the speed while youre in Axe Mode and you can also perform an enhanced finisher when you press X during Hack n Slash. First and foremost, always choose Power Phial SAs. Fond Farewell at this point has the same raw and Sharpness as the Petrified, but also has additional Water on top of it, and some Affinity. You will also miss the Deviant boost with this SA so run Energy Charge II instead of III. It also lets you attack once more when youre landing, and this includes performing an Elemental Thrust. You can perform one attack with the opposite modes button, but when you do it twice youll switch. The Chargeblade is another weapons that is capable of switch forms in . Forward Thrust -> Down Slash -> Morph to Sword. Axe form: The third and probably most boring way to play is Axe Mode, which is basically just like Axe Mode in other styles except you have faster Valor Steps than Sword?? Then consider donating! Performs a few opening swings in Axe Mode, then empowers your hunter to perform the Hack n Slash faster, consuming less stamina. Otherwise you can drop it while youre fighting non-Hyper monsters. If youve got several people around you, like pesky LS users, you can take SA and not worry about tripping all the darn time. Still great for the same reasons, and even better at taking you through early G-Rank. And obviously if you have a full sharpness bar or if you dont get a higher sharpness grade than White with S+2, dont take this. More likely than not useless and prone to overreliance, but can be useful if used responsibly. Only a few monsters in the game are really weak to Dragon, and being forced to use Sword Mode to apply Dragon? Specifically, this set needs Rathalos Cap, Rathalos Mail, Ceanataur Braces, Rathalos Faulds, and Bnahabra Boots and a few decorations to get the right skill setup, but this can be even more effective than the standard Rathalos set, especially if you plan to use the Aksa Switch. Rare 5 Rare 6 Rare 7. Opening swings deal 22% + 22% damage. (loop) Down Slash -> Up Slash -> Down Slash -> Up Slash (end loop). Being a Blademaster weapon, Razor Sharp is always nice to prolong your sharpness bar and prevent dropping into lower levels of sharpness. Pretty weak, especially when you consider that you dont even apply the status at a 100% rate. Pretty weak, especially when you consider that you dont even apply the status at a 100% rate. Rathaloss SA is the best Fire SA due to it having the highest raw and access to Power Phial. "@TorroEric @BlaiseElise @rougeyronpierre @Cercle_Aristote Pour ta gouverne les amricains sont entrs dans la guerre la suite de l'attaque de Pearl Harbor! This guide is meant for new players of Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate (MHGU) or for players who havent played Blademaster in the old-school games, and wish to play as Switch Axe. This guide is meant for new players of Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate (MHGU) or for players who haven't played Blademaster in the old-school games, and wish to play as Switch Axe. The finisher deals 25% + 55% damage. With the reach of Axe Mode, you can even hit flying monsters with the upswing. Both the axe and sword mode have there pros and cons. Charge the Alchemy Barrel to use special Alchemy items and upgrade SP. Disclaimer: Status SA is particularly ineffective because it doesnt hit often enough to apply the status. Youll be chasing after the monster with rolls most of the time, or sidestepping out of attacks. YAWG and the Yet Another series of Guides and Tools will always be free to use. Decorations; Make this and love it to get through the beginning stages of G-Rank. It will always be worth it, each game has its specialty, and this is no exception, and the player base is still active. Power Phial or bust! And that answer would be right. Mizutsunes SA. When you do, youll be forced back into Axe Mode, so be sure to not deplete it in a bad place. Though I suppose that every style does that more or less. Because of this, you cannot perform the infinite X attack, but you do have infinite A. Usage of this style or Striker Style will mainly depend on which infinite you need. The third and probably most boring way to play is Axe Mode, which is basically just like Axe Mode in other styles except you have faster Valor Steps than Sword?? This is the only Sleep SA with Power Phial. Seregioss SA is easily the best SA you can get at this point because of the auto-sharpening mechanic. This attack can chain into the normal Sword Mode attacks. This may be only a minor improvement, but if youve kept up your Mizu SA improvements you should use this. Looking for MHGU information? More Affinity is more damage, and you really cant say no to more damage, right? And when Power Phial is around, Element Phial just doesnt seem as good as pure raw. From here you stay in Sword mode, Adept dodge another attack and morph back into Axe once the counter has been used. The next most obvious style is Elemental Discharge spam, using the Double Discharge to inflict large amounts of damage in short bursts. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Contact us for advertising opportunities:, By clicking "Accept", you consent that we may use your personal data to serve personalised adverts, and that Cookies or other local storage identifiers may be used to serve personalised and non-personalised adverts. In the same vein, Evasion +1 can be used for certain attacks too. For more fluid transitions between Sword and Axe Mode, try using the aforementioned Morph Attacks. Depending on the variant, youll get one of these 3 sets in G2 and G3, and its a great set to take you through the remainder of G2 and partway through G3. Axe Mode doesnt take into account Phial Type at all, so you can mostly ignore the phial type if you want to play that way. Below you'll find links to the lists of Key Quest progression for both the Single Player and Multiplayer portions of the game: Things Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate Doesn't Tell You. Infinite X can weave in the gapcloser attack by using the Forward + X, while infinite A has the Double Slash. 1 Hunter Art slot (1 SP Art). Exchanges some points of Attack for points to Sharpness, which provides a measure of utility for Blademasters. Elder Axe, at last, has the highest raw youve seen yet on a natural-White weapon. grants you 3 ways to play, at least, while youre in Valor Mode. Composed of Rathalos X/Rathalos X/Rathalos X/Vaik X/Bnahabra X. Great Sword Long Sword Sword & Shield Dual Blades Hammer Hunting Horn Lance Gunlance Switch Axe Charge Blade Insect Glaive. They both retain the sharpness-restoration effect of the original Seregios SA but the Aksa Switch has less Sharpness, Affinity, and slots, but has higher raw damage, as well as an easier upgrading line. If you do so though, this can take you all the way through Ahtal Ka. The legendary mixset from Gen is great as a progression set, so long as you have the required charm and the ability to get both the Hayabusa Feather and to defeat the extremely-hard event Hyper Silver Rathalos. Like the Switch Axe, it can morph between 2 different weapon forms. Especially useful if your SA doesnt need S+2, since you can devote those 15 points to something else. More often than not though only people who transferred their end-game character from Gen will use this as progression. Universally, youll choose an SA based on its phial type, unless you want to exclusively use Axe Mode and Tempest Axe. Aerial SA can spam jump attacks automatically when you jump on the monster, and youre in Sword Mode. All SA attacks provide Super Armor while youre doing them. The opening Down Slash may be very slow, but once you start up the combo, it can be very fast. This is Black Fataliss SA, upgraded from the one you get from mining materials at Pokkes giant stone. When you first step into HR, right into about 7* quests. Switch Axe; Follow @kiranico_en . puts the Morph Attacks on X or A, depending on which mode youre in currently. 20% more raw on all Sword Mode attacks makes the difference on their attacks, easily closing the gap between Sword and Axe attack MVs, and making it so that it may surpass Axe Mode MVs. . The most powerful HA in the entire game, only crippled by its use time and the fact that the other HAs can do more for less. Deviant boost, good amount of Poison, good Sharpness. Also, since you dont use Switch Gauge on attacks, you can use Elemental Discharges constantly without it being a pain on your Switch Gauge. An interesting alternative really only useful for non-Adept SA sets because it has Evade Extender and Critical Eye, which are both important for SA sets but this is kinda too early in the game for Critical Eye to be useful, as mentioned. Zinogres SA. Abuse the power of Demon Riot and Energy Charge in GU to amplify your damage output! Dont use Adept SA though since Evasion doesn't stack with Adepts triggering frames. If you can somehow scrape together the Rajang Hardhorns required to upgrade this SA, this will be the best weapon to fight Ahtal-Ka with, since it has 290 raw and a decent amount of Thunder, combined with SA. the typical SA style featuring unlimited and full access to both moves. An easy way to immediately transition into Sword Mode from Axe Mode midair. Axe Mode doesnt take into account Phial Type at all, so you can mostly ignore the phial type if you want to play that way. Valstraxs SA packs Element Phial rather than Power Phial, but is (slightly) compensated by the fact that you dont need to run either S+2 or Razor Sharp on this SA. After Hack n Finisher or Down Slash, R -, Will reload instead if Switch Gauge < 40%), After Elemental Discharge Thrust, X (repeat) -. Each swing will consume Stamina. It also lets you attack once more when youre landing, and this includes performing an Elemental Thrust. EE also helps with your sidehops, letting you get more distance on those. Visit our Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate database at:! S+2 and RS isnt quite required for most SAs, but if you plan on using Elderfrosts SA then this is a set to shoot for. Aerial SA can spam jump attacks automatically when you jump on the monster, and youre in Sword Mode. Armor List. A word of warning though, its discouraged to run both this and Evade Extender at the same time, and both skills can easily make you dependent on them, so use sparingly. It also has a charge mechanic and multiple Phials it can fill up while attacking. Furthermore, the blue sharpness this SA has is effectively infinite. Youll need S+2 to get Purple Sharpness though. That said, the Axe Finisher is an instant-ish 3 hits of 95 MV, but Swords Adept counterattack is two swings, totalling 50 MV, which uses up Phial Gauge. Great stats across the board without sacrificing too much on either raw or element. A Switch Axe made from Dreadqueen parts. Performs Down Slash when Morphing to Sword via the normal methods (Hack n Finisher, Down Slash). Mizus SA is in the same boat as Zinogres SA, with a high amount of raw, natural White Sharpness, and a decent amount of Water. Mashing X during this time will let you deal continuous damage, and if you press it enough, an explosion will occur, dealing a large amount of damage whilst draining a large amount of Switch Gauge. With Evade Extender in tow and well-timed sidesteps, you can just hop through attacks and keep up aggression, making high levels of play interesting and effective too. Guild Style is the typical SA style featuring unlimited and full access to both moves. The more obvious style is to keep on chaining Morph Attacks with R, letting you save on phials while pumping out damage. III might need the help of Deviant weapons. When Switch Gauge is under 40% and after any attack where you can morph to Sword, R -. (loop) Boost Jump -> Aerial Upslash -> Jumping Down Slash (end loop). Automatically Morph between Axe and Sword by using X for Axe, and A for Sword. The stellar Hellblade Axe is a formidable force to be reckoned with, at least if youre willing to farm Hellblade early on and are also willing to just stay in High Rank for a while, because Elder Axe is right there. Up and down, then the monster goes all around. Also, you stop performing the HA if you run out of Switch Gauge, so you should probably keep an eye on it. All that being said, the style tends to optimally play as follows: Draw into an Axe attack or use the forward thrust during an opening, Adept dodge an attack, Axe mode counter attack into Sword mode to do some damage. Furthermore, you move at twice the speed while youre in Axe Mode and you can also perform an enhanced finisher when you press X during Hack n Slash. Weapon Name. Has a decent amount of Blast to compensate for its below-average raw. You may not be able to switch to Sword Mode when youre below 40%, but you can still attack in Sword Mode until you deplete your Switch Gauge. Off-Meta Recommendations - Dont Use Unless You Really Want To! Click on the Weapon's Name for a more detailed information about the Weapon, including Creation / Upgrade Materials, Costs, and Japanese Name Equivalents. The Best Style For Every Weapon | Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate, 3 Great Multiplayer Weapons | Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate, 3 Weapons Ideal For Solo Play | Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate, The 5 Best Back Row Characters | Persona Q2, First Generation Tier List | Fire Emblem: Awakening, Ideal Accessories for Every Character | Persona 5 Royal, Best Class for Every Character | Fire Emblem: Awakening, The 4 Easiest Energy Foods To Use | Stardew Valley, Choosing The Best Asset and Flaw | Fire Emblem: Awakening, You may not be able to switch to Sword Mode when youre below 40%, but you can still attack in Sword Mode until you deplete your Switch Gauge. by Synzer. Has more points in Critical Eye compared to the LR version and has more Defense too. This guide will contain a comprehensive guide on Switch Axe controls, details on phial types, commentary on SA styles and combinations, recommendations on progression SA, and a final note on matchups against all monsters in the game. Has more points in Critical Eye compared to the LR version and has more Defense too. Id rather you just have Dragon-elemental damage naturally. Avoid at all costs if you even think about using Sword Mode. SA is kind of a pro at hitting weakspots with Sword Mode, since your strikes are so precise and very vertical, so theres little chance youll miss the hitzone youre targeting. Github Mirror for my guides, in case theyre taken down: You can switch between Modes while youre idle with R, and some attacks can even combo into a morph attack with R. Try it out, and see what attacks can perform a morph-to attack. You can try to use this, but after you get slapped around by a Narga a few times, youll probably conclude that this HAs use cases are incredibly few and far between. More likely than not useless and prone to overreliance, but can be useful if used responsibly. Hellblades SA is still relevant in GU because you dont have to run S+2 nor RS on this SA. What on earth then must a new player think when they find the Switch Axe, a strange transforming blend of Or a damage calculator? Standard early-LR set for Blademasters. The legendary Jho Cena provides Sharpness +2 and Razor Sharp at base, without charms or decorations. Its up to you which style would fit best in which fight. Axe Mode: X, X, X, (loop) A (end loop), R. Down Slash -> Side Slice -> Upswing -> (loop) Hack n Slash (end loop) -> Hack n Finisher. The finisher deals 25% + 55% damage. SA may only be faster than GS, but swinging that sword around will eat your sharpness somewhat quickly. You can use that till you kill the final boss and . Rathalos X packs more points in Attack and Tenderizer as well as points in Earplugs, which can be useful at times. Try Yet Another Damage Calculator Unite! Enables you to deal the respective status damage at the same rate as normal Blademaster weapons (33% of hits) at the damage listed on the SA Status tip to Sword Mode attacks. Energy Charge/Demon Riot is the best HA combo in the game. The legendary Jho Cena provides Sharpness +2 and Razor Sharp at base, without charms or decorations. Github Mirror for my guides, in case theyre taken down. Oh, and you can KO monsters with Exhaust Phial if you hit them on the head, but good luck actually trying to KO things with that. Guild SA itself is underwhelming due to all of the fancy additions to the other styles, namely HA slots for Striker and Alchemy and the lack of loss of moves on Adept and Aerial. Triple slots and natural Purple is okay for Status SA. If you have feedback or comments on this guide, please contact Awesomeosity#2516 on Discord. Its up to you which style would fit best in which fight. Google, plus any relevant and additional third parties will have access to this data. The Switch Axe. Its a testament to the versatility of the Switch Axe that our next Hunting Style choice is dedicated primarily to its other form: The Axe. Valor SA can be played in three distinct ways, but loses the Energy Charge/Demon Riot combination. Pressing X+A while youre in Sword Mode will initiate the Elemental Discharge attack. Mashing X during this time will let you deal continuous damage, and if you press it enough, an explosion will occur, dealing a large amount of damage whilst draining a large amount of Switch Gauge. The same is true here, and both weapon modes include their own counter attacks: Sword does a double swing counter, where the Axe swings around a three hit attack. 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