", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Peter_Attia&oldid=1139971534, Stanford University School of Medicine alumni, Articles with unsourced statements from February 2023, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 17 February 2023, at 19:54. ATTIA: So a big part of our clumsy response to this is that it couldnt be centrally coordinated. So when you contrast living to 70 [and] spending 20 years in misery versus living to 75 with maybe two years in misery, it just doesnt even strike me as a trade-off. Dr. Peter Attia. And armed with your Nicorette gum, I figured, Look, this is going to be perfect. If I just took 20 guys like you and took them from eight hours a night to four hours a night for two weeks and then did these glucose tolerance tests, I could reduce [their] glucose disposal by 50%. I just didnt care if I was alive or dead, even though I wasnt even particularly tired. is incredibly risk averse. Thats a relevant detail that Im sure a few peoples eyes just rolled back in their head. ATTIA: Now, that I remember. LEVITT: So my wife is very upset that I like white bread. is directly causal in disease in nondiabetics; There have been no RCTs demonstrating that better glycemic control in nondiabetics leads to better outcomes, much less using CGM; There have not been any long-term studies using CGM in nondiabetics whatsoever; Some of the interventions to reduce CGM readings (say, carbohydrate restriction) also would increase postprandial triglycerides, also associated with worse outcomes; There is therefore an unclear tradeoff between hyperglycemia and hypertriglyceridemia, and that is assuming that they are each causal for bad outcomes in healthy nondiabetics; The cutoffs for unacceptable glucose excursions by Peter Attia are not based on any evidence whatsoever and are arbitrary. Steve, we should have you take the Epworth Sleep Survey. In fact, our conversation was so fascinating, that I decided to split it into two episodes! So you have this starvation ketosis, nutritional ketosis. I took out a piece of Nicorette gum and I started chewing. But that can be carried by a group of philanthropists who can act quickly and take huge risk. Now he's a physician focused on the science of longevity. How many other concussions I had, I dont know. What was the failure of either policy or medicine that led nobody to be generating that knowledge? And theres actually literature thats been done where you can inoculate healthy volunteers. And we do that a ton. HOMA-IR and frailty (same study as #3 linked twice); The studies that use OGTT do not establish that glucose variability above 140 mg/dL is important; None show that the high glucose itself is causal or that reducing it via diet will improve outcomes. ATTIA: Yeah, I mean, most of these viruses are actually benign enough. In many ways thats the advice I give everyone, is not to be afraid of change. What Happened To Peter Attia. But when we sleep, its best for our bodies to be cold when we sleep cooler, we get more rejuvenating sleep. But life isnt really about necessarily being the master of something. [4] First wanting to become a professional boxer, he later attended Queen's University, receiving B.Sc. Everything was metabolically broken. And so I do I think death is a very important part of the carbon cycle. Do you recognize that in yourself? In fact, Dr. Peter recommended to stop eating about three hours before bedtime. Saturated fat and dieta postprandial triglyceridemia is associated with cardiovascular disease risk, Why lose weight to prevent covid-19 is an inappropriate and harmful message for health influencers to be sending, Mainstream, popular health gurus peddle ineffective, dangerous, and costly products that degrade physical and financial health, Why I question the objectivity of low-carb pioneers Stephen Phinney and Jeff Volek. And it seemed that the first place to turn to was nutrition, because it was the one I knew the least about. We can be reached at radio@freakonomics.com. Hes one of the most intelligent, curious, compassionate people Ive ever met. His practice also focuses on elements such as diet, sleep, exercise, and, physiological aspects that promote [1] [2] He is also the first person to make the round-trip swim from Maui and Lanai. LEVITT: So can you talk about ketosis a little bit and what that means? It showed I had cerebral contusions. But what was it? ATTIA: I think you might be confusing a bit of its benefit with that of caffeine. Dr. Peter trained for five years at the Johns Hopkins Hospital in general surgery, where he was the recipient of several prestigious awards, including Resident of the Year. Hes spent the last few years being mentored by the top medical scientists and now hosts The Drive, a weekly, deep-dive podcast focusing on maximizing longevity by working on physical, cognitive, and emotional health. He also receives speaking honorariums from organizations, including hospitals and health-related businesses, when he is asked to speak on longevity, metabolic-related topics, athletic performance, and his personal experience working in medicine. Marion Nestle notes the Arnold's working relationship with a National Restaurant Association and the National Cattlemen's Beef Association consultant. His practice deals extensively with nutritional interventions, exercise physiology, sleep physiology, emotional and mental health, and pharmacology to increase lifespan (delay the onset of chronic disease) while simultaneously improving healthspan (quality of life). But whats more important Steve, is: whats the quality of those last 20 years? After publishing my post Nutrition Science Initiative (NuSI) in retrospect, I received an email from Peter Attia, MD, the former president of NuSI, suggesting that I had gotten aspects of the story wrong due to a lack of additional context.Attia and I spoke twice by phone, and I think he has a point. But it could put a slightly different interpretation on it. Dr. Peters goal is to reduce those early deaths as much as possible. So what are some things we can do to improve our sleep to keep this from happening? The other two preventions, however, might surprise you. So it becomes a way for us to recycle our dead or defective cells. Whats the latest we should eat before going to bed? I really enjoy his take on things, his clarity, the brilliant guests he has on, and how out of my depth he is.. He has since been mentored by some of the most experienced and innovative lipidologists, endocrinologists, gynecologists, sleep physiologists, and longevity scientists in the United States and Canada. And then three of those days it would be a shorter run with hill workouts and sprints. You have to have a second project which youve actually done, but you pretend that you havent done it. Im sure anyone who did something at a high level, whether it be playing the piano or doing anything, once theyre so far past their prime, they look back and go, I dont think I appreciated what it took to get there.. Most people, when they think of death, think of what we call cardiopulmonary death or what Im calling death-certificate death. But probably 80% of people have actually died one of the other deaths before they die a cardiopulmonary death. As an Amazon Associate, Freakonomics may earn commissions from qualifying purchases made through links on this site. And you would say, Peter, those seem really easy, and youd be right as a 37-year-old stud, but the point is most 60 year olds couldnt do them. Dr. Peter Attia. He is the Co-founder and Chief Medical Officer of the fasting app. And tell us about the longest period of time you ever spent in ketosis. But the point is, without making these proactive changes, they mightve lived only until 70. We finished the round. All of the music you heard on this show was composed by Luis Guerra. But I think every once in a while, its good to make them a little uncomfortable and stretch them a little bit. Your podcasts are like a massive gift to humanity. Because what youre basically saying is: whats the dose? Because there are risks to doing this study. There are papers that have talked about and theorized that theres probably a 15-year extension that is plausible if everything is done right. By implication, it cannot be used to make nutrition recommendations. The four huge factors of Type 2 Diabetes. Comments are welcomed and encouraged. You sometimes need that distance from something. And you would say, Peter, those seem really easy, and youd be right as a 37-year-old stud, but the point is most 60 year olds couldnt do them. . It also impairs senescent cells or more likely impairs the secreting factors that are made by senescent cells. While it's easy for me to say, I implore you to keep fighting back and never . The parallel in economics, the National Science Foundation, is the big federal funder of a lot of economists. From 2012-2015, he . My Centenarian Olympics has 18 events in it. All of the music you heard on this show was composed by Luis Guerra. Dr. Peter earned his M.D. Or that we overeat? LEVITT: And it sounds like youre doing it all with private money. But I certainly didnt appreciate at the time what it was doing to my health. based in San Diego and New York. The biggest risk, by the way, is probably mass vaccination. Where did this drive come from? By Sydney Bueckert, NASM CPT, CES, FNS, GPT November 23, 2022 Our staff also includes Alison Craiglow, Greg Rippin, and Corinne Wallace; our intern is Emma Tyrrell. And when it comes to naps, Dr. Peter says theyre fine, as long as they dont disrupt your sleep at night. So the other night here is a funny story, because it will come across that my daughter lives a tortured life she really does enjoy this stuff. As a result, you build up fat in your liver and glucose in your blood, and that can cause a wide variety of health problems. Matt Hickey is the producer, and Dan Dzula was the engineer of this episode. and holds a B.Sc. Right? Theres one disease, which is not really thought of as a disease, but I think of it as a continuum that is the foundation upon which all of those sit. What outcome data are there to show that going above 140 mg/dL in a normal glucose excursion is harmful? So you took more or less the same approach to academics that you took to boxing. In this operating manual for longevity, Dr. Peter Attia draws on the latest science to deliver innovative nutritional interventions, techniques for optimizing exercise and sleep, and tools for addressing emotional and mental health. So in the spirit of you changing your mind, Id love to just toss out a couple of topics and you tell me whats your current thinking on them? The latter is just a liquid mixture of them in a slightly different ratio that favors fructose, which makes it a little sweeter. I mean, my testosterone was slightly higher than that of a prepubescent girl. So how can we combat Type 2 diabetes? ATTIA: So there were a lot of things that were really upsetting me at the time. I think once I was in medical school and I decided I wanted to become a surgeon, I just had this anxiety, which was, Well, what if you have to operate in the middle of the night and youre tired? So one of the things I started doing in my last year of medical school was, every Thursday night I would stay up, pull an all-nighter, stand at my desk, not allow myself to pee, and practice suturing on my desk in this model that I made that was supposed to resemble a human heart. The problem was, it was the winter. Both of them are funded by the Arnold Foundation, with substantial ties to animal agriculture industry lobbying. I look at my father, whos 86 and still runs and still practices medicine full time, and we do trivia contests together and hes still as good as he ever was. And then you have to have a third project, which is like 75 percent done. But it also comes with letting go of a bunch of stuff, too. A look at the effort to figure out why we're fat", "What Makes You So Smart, Peter Attia? And it was very uncomfortable. , where his research focused on immune-based therapies for melanoma. So I know Ive got the time to get better and better. points on that day. And then I would come home and I had a ritual that I would do 400 pushups every single night in sets of 50s and then go to bed and repeat. No government funds at all, is that right? Comments that attack an individual directly will be deleted. Glucose is such an important molecule for energy that if we were to go more than about a day and a half without eating, we would begin rapidly destroying our muscle mass in an effort to produce enough glucose to satisfy our brain, which would further impair our ability to forage for food. I could basically, within two weeks, turn you into an almost-diabetic by sleep depriving you. Dr. Peter Attia. Every time I go to an academic seminar, Im going to bring two pieces of Nicorette gum. Thats the problem that Dr. Peter and other doctors like him are trying to solve. [1][2] He is also the first person to make the round-trip swim from Maui and Lanai. Sign-up (free) to receive the5 Tactics in my Longevity Toolkit delivered byemail as a 5-day course,my weekly newsletter,and new podcastannouncements. Dr. Peter Attia is a medical doctor specializing in health, longevity and preventive medicine. LEVITT: And did that pay off when you went to surgery? For all its successes, mainstream medicine has failed to make much progress against the diseases of aging that kill most people: heart disease, cancer, Alzheimers disease, and type 2 diabetes. LEVITT: So you love your children with a depth that is rare and I admire. Post a screenshot of the episode along with your biggest takeaways on Instagram, and make sure to tag Dr. Peter, @peterattiamd, and me, @lewishowes. What the three main pieces of our healthspan are. Im afraid that I havent done a great job. Then theres the physical piece your muscle mass function, ability to move, freedom from pain, all of those things. But the point is, without making these proactive changes, they mightve lived only until 70. TheDriveis hosted by Dr. Peter Attia, a Stanford/Johns Hopkins/NIH-trained physician focusing on the applied science of longevity, the extension of human life, and well-being. Theres a part of me this is not going to sound great Im just not an optimist when it comes to what the world is going to look like in 50 years. To listen ad-free, subscribe to Stitcher Premium. And lets be honest. And the more I learned, frankly, the less I agreed with him. Stay up-to-date on all our shows. I am responding to this post because: a) Peter's post made it into my message [] LEVITT: No, it was when I worked in consulting. So how about nicotine? I basically had the worst headache of my life for the next three months. We would like it such that, when you die, its really your first encounter with death of any form. Dr. Peter Attia. But the probability, Steve, that you or I may get the rest of our lives without another pandemic must be viewed as exceedingly small. The problem is that we may be living longer, but were living with chronic health conditions that significantly lower our quality of life. A SIXTEEN-ARTICLE POWERBOMB. He is willing to entertain any hypothesis. And, by the end of that fast, I have very high levels of these things called ketones in my blood. So theyve either died a cognitive death which is to say their minds have become so dull that theyre really not able to be the people they wanted to be [or] their body has broken down so much that the things that once gave them so much joy, theyre deprived of or emotionally theyve become depressed. And in particular, I dont know if youve looked at naps at all, but theres some new research that suggests that in terms of afternoon productivity, naps have an incredible impact. Enjoy this content? Its about exercising intentionally. So it might be another totally new way to tap benefit above and beyond the nighttime sleep. ABOUT DR. PETER ATTIA. And theres this have you seen this thing called Mystery Science Theater 3000? I think its worth understanding that a little bit. Why is he telling us this? Whats important about that is the fructose molecule. The owner of this blog reserves the right to edit or delete any comments submitted to the blog without notice. Explore the list of the most recommended book titles suggested by Peter Attia . Peter Attia is the host of The Drive podcast and is a world e. So after college and before grad school. He is the host of The Drive, one of the most popular podcasts covering the topics of health and medicine. Theres days when I really feel like Im getting left behind and the train is so far ahead and Im never going to catch up. I dont know that its a substitute for the nighttime sleep, though. This comment policy is subject to change at any time. But you should be in the habit of listening to people talk about stuff that you dont agree with. Now, on with the show. Its also that it has no fiber left in it as well. When we start to experience those mental health issues, we die in a sense. I could basically, within two weeks, turn you into an almost-diabetic by sleep depriving you becomes way! Gift to humanity I like white bread with him 's University, receiving B.Sc, is probably mass vaccination recommendations! Policy or medicine that led nobody to be perfect time to get better and better at time... The same approach to academics that you havent done it chronic health conditions that significantly lower quality. 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