As Salam Walaikam. Thanks for admitting the bible is bs. Said by every Christian for the past two millennia. Kamilah T. Harris funny thing is I no longer even see my comment in the thread anymore, seems to have been removed. We are all just trying to live and use what works for us to make it easier for us to do that. It is all lies. One of the biggest tricks the devil ever played was convincing gullible people that God don't exist. LIVE AND LET LIVE!!! Furthermore, he added that they . What IS real? How? Always be selling. Ebony A. Utley wrote a book called "Rap and Religion: Understanding the Gangsta's God," which looked at how different rappers interpret and feel about God. Without the shed blood of Christ, there is no remission of sin. So to answer your loaded question, no. otherwise stfu!! These are direct verifiable quotes from people who are still alive. It should because you all have been getting away with literal and figurative murder and abuse for millennia. Shakira shades ex Gerard Piqu and Clara Chia's relationship and new photos of Shawn Mendes and Sabrina Carpenter walking together in Los Angeles had fans buzzing on Twitter. Instead I would do what I and others like me have done. Another teaching mistakenly attributed to Scripture is "God helps those who help themselves". Jerry Lindsey No prob. by the way treating people the way you want to be treated IS a Christian notion. I just said religion is a crock of horse doo doo. Self reliance is something that people who believe in the invisible should really try to work on developing. Yet 2000+ year dead men had all the answers which is why they created God in the first place. Seriously, whatever their reasons, these celebrities (and anyone else, really) has the right to not be religious or even have a religion. I am better than her Let me tell you why etc" The IRONY of a proselytizing Atheist is just hilarious to me. I would rather live my life believing there is God and later find out out it's all lies when I die, than life my life doubting about His existence and later realize after death that He does exist! Death is just being in an unconscious state, not knowing nothing (Eccl. It may be more complicated than that, though. I totally agree! I would prefer to have you arrested for child abuse actually. Crazy Hip-Hop Rumors That Are Totally True, Rappers Who Are Secretly Very Philanthropic, The Best Young Rappers And New School Rappers, The Greatest Female Vocalists of the Past 10 Years, The Best XXL Freshman Rappers of All Time. Sometimes it takes a love and understanding not preaching hell fire and damnation. EVERY KNEE SHALL BOW AND EVER TONGUE SHALL CONFESSBUT ISNT THIS JUDGING SOMEONE? He was a Mizrahi Jew: You have to have eternity, too? I cant explain this phenomena the Buddhist call it Karma. Being atheist DOES NOT mean lacking morals! Not me. This is silly, and scientifically unsound. All you do is assert and assume. a hint of bias from the accusation made against Robin Quivers from the author of this story and a misconception from Donald Glover that being an atheist means you can do anything. That's what all of you say now you're just fools. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. Once all the fame and money is taken away and they hit rock bottom, they coming running back home, hollering Lord, Lord, help me. That's what it was invented by humans 2000+ years ago for. It's all human invention from human imagination. You love projecting don't you. Your original post was a dead giveaway that you are Christian talking about Christianity. I love history, especially human/world historyand let's face it the story of Jesus Christ is probably one of the longest running and most argued annals of history. You think she's hot don't you? If a monkey turning into a human is your thing then keep eating bananas and be happy. I suppose this is a circumstance of your up bringing. Even space and time theory probably escapes you (or at least the point of them anyway). GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT. Allah (which is the proper name for God) is eternal and self subsisting. What that tells me is that you have not done enough thinking and contemplating about life and you are just repeating things that you have heard, much the way you did when you were online. I can't see blood running through my veins but I know it's working for my body and when I go to the Ocean and watch it stop at my feet, I know GOD is there because there is no reason why the Ocean would not stop. Most hypocrites will call on Him in times of sorrow, but are too proud to serve Him today. Your nephew is worth it. You all don't need to be left alone as long as there is bad in the world created by your theism and the theism of others. Sounds fucking DANDY, The moment all the religious freaks fuck off from this planet will be a breath of fresh air to all the humans that are left. People needs to know they can't do nothing on their own. That this all powerful being who created everything, is content with people being thoughtless drones. It came back again hundreds of years later through the slave trade, but there were Christians in Africa before the slave trade.Also Look up the first black pope. Yet whenever they are asked to provide EVIDENCE for their extraordinary claims, the reply is either what I had just stated above or, "Well the Bible says yada-yada-yada" which doesn't carry any merit because you have nothing other than what is limited to ancient print on on a page. Lecrae, who many refer to as the present leader of Christian rap movementfurther highlighted the desire for more religion driven music to be incorporated into the culture when his 2014 LP,. Spencer Yale He rose from the dead so his body was gone. BTW I'm on medical leave and extremely bored so I'm going to keep this going as long as possible. Islam is a Middle Eastern spinoff of both Christianity and Judaism so the notion that your God is different from their God is quite laughable. 1) Faith/God = placebo. If you are a believer in God, prepare to be challenged and questioned. Continue stooping even lower although you are already low with your ignorance and bigotry fully displayed in real time all over this thread. are a member of DST which was founded by members of OES who were first AKAs, yet you are a "stupid atheists" as they call them. 20Then God said, Let the waters teem with swarms of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth in the open expanse of the heavens.21God created the great sea monsters and every living creature that moves, with which the waters swarmed after their kind, and every winged bird after its kind; and God saw that it was good.22God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let birds multiply on the earth.23There was evening and there was morning, a fifth day. You did not have to mention Christianity. None. I love it! Foremost among them King James who wrote his bible to kill his wives to get more wives (sounds like our suicide bombers of today)! As long as religion exists and people still think fictional characters like gods are real humanity will remain enslaved, blind, deluded, and immoral. A mental health professional can cure you of this horrid mental illness. I would suggest that if you don't want those people waiting for you, and your wife, husband and kids when you come home at night you not undermine their belief system. With all of the wonderful things u witness everyday, THIS IS HOE U THINK? as usual. and made a byword of reproach we fools! Ruth Ware Let's look here now. Faith is assertion and claim without evidence so your analogies of the brain and oceans are horrible. Kenneth Britcher i will pray for you but if your heart and soul belongs to the devil than you're bound to hell, Jesus is a dictator, Groove Jones . 28 Feb 2023 22:30:41 HIS WIFE! Studies have been going on for centuries on the "God" question and religion/theism. Religions are mostly base on pure ignorance. Last week, Christian . Rappers who are atheist come in many forms. I am not a Christian but I study Islam. Besides you get your "facts" from a book as whimsical as Harry Potter, which is a much better read than the bible BTW. It's not at all a virtue but GULLIBILITY. @ Chris Rock I see a few dollars will make a person breed contempt, Hold On to your little a pinion , for a fool and his money will soon part, then you blame that on Slavery too. The same hold true with the Qur'an. Christianity which was brought forth to the world by a dark colored man from the middle east who was convicted and put to death by the Roman government of insighting the people to riot with his peace and love for fellow man teachings, has now been coopted and corrupted and watered down. Therefore, there were authors. Thus, the ongoing relative world issues. To the unbelievers, When the trials of life visits your door-step (As they surely will) who will you call out to; Chris Rock? Oh and your all loving god is responsible for over 2 million deaths in the bible and the devil ten. You are so brainwashed that you would even force your own REAL nephew to swallow this bullshit. The average American KKKristian has the critical thinking skills of a tree stump. He's moot. That's the truth and it's not only sufficient but very significant because unlike you, I'm not brainwashed. Here's the final post in response to your last posting. 2) You have the audacity to make assumptions personally about me. Your an Idiot Jacques ,Get Over Yourself . the black sheeple don't care, they'll still support these stars while blindly still believing, Chuks Amadi : right on Chuks____what a shame. The Qur'an was not in a written form when it was originally revealed to the Prophet because he had to memorize the entire book (which he did). ACCORDING TO SCIENCE THE SAN PEOPLE ARE GODS OF THIS PLANET WHY? into existence." God + Devil = Same. But you can't even write one verse like it.gather all of your scholars together and see if they can produce the likes of this". Grow up. You are a believer in God? Derrick Wimbley .100% correct..We are in agreement. Estevan Carlos Benson "a God" doesn't exist. Where you and others like you are in is a primitive and fundamentalist state and position. But nor do I care to try to invalidate atheism to the atheist, or validate Christianity to the Christian. As do alot of believers, you should stop your own version of hate and judgement. Just because humans use religion to justify and perpetuate their ineptitude, doesn't mean that God doesn't exist. Maybe that but job Ken Ham can help you , and where is this heaven?up in the clouds?slave master religion, bruhgive it back to them, even bigger fools follow something that has NEVER been proven to be true. BTW you can easily look up and verify everything I said. Just a suggestion of civility. But its deeper. Lecrae Devaughn Moore, also known as Lecrae, is an American Christian rapper, singer, and songwriter from Houston, Texas. Take care! People don't realize that our time here on earth is a chance for us to choose We did not create the g/Gods and stuff. Alvin Knighton .I'm quoting God's word"It is written: 'Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God. You're just arrogant and bigoted. , Who says you need to call out to anyone? The universe is not "proof of God's existence." Belief/Faith is assertion, assumption, and presumption without proof and evidence. Also thanks for being able to understand the comment with all the wrong words. The people who do those thing do not represent the whole Christian faith, Christianity is about love, forgiveness, and growth. It takes a firm foundation in Islam. Every knee shall bow, must bow, right? People know religion is nonsense and gods don't exist because they have actually read the religious texts all the way through. Who will you find on this rappers who are atheist or agnostic list? He does exist pray to him everyday and he will reach you. Toby's solo career began in 1999 after the band disbanded. . Would you still worship God if you weren't trying to get a ticket into Heaven? It's Kamilah not "Kalimah." nbd. As for the message that ends your post, Lol. A black christian is a black person with no memory. It is all a fairy tale. interesting. Yep, bigotry is also a major part of being a Christian. Very mature of you to resort to name calling those that think for themselves. They need us to be of sound mind by not living in a fantasy world obsessing over fictional characters (gods, jesus, satan, etc). Carl you are delusional if you think our ancestors in Africa were walking around praising a blue eyed Jesus. Ironic last name, Samantha! Thanksgiving disguised as a feast. Atheism is not a belief. When asked if he believed in God, Lee said, "To be perfectly frank, I really do not." MMA fighter Frank Mir called religion "the retarded stepchild of philosophy." I'm not needed for that to be a fact unlike you, who is needed for indoctrination, assimilation, and explanation that "God exists." But there is no such thing as a real devil like the bible said it to be. Best known for his smooth rhymes for the ladies, American rapper LL Cool J gives us a different sound with his rap "The Power of God.". Keep believing. However, it was Allah who sent any wisdom into the world that eventually became the other 2 false Abrahamic religions. Top 10 Best Christian Rappers The Top Ten 1 Lecrae Lecrae Devaughn Moore, mononymously known as Lecrae, is an American Christian hip hop artist, songwriter, record producer and actor. I can accept that if you believe that,.Then you can believe in the non existence of God, the way the universe is organised and coordinated in a systematic manner show no doubt in the existence of God and if you dont believe in the existence of God then you should not believe in your own existence also, what makes you exist and think that God cannot exist.? I'm sure many white Christians will say it should not be about what race he is, but if it were shown that Jesus was black the number of white Christians would drop dramatically. the light air, lashed by the beat of its pinions Mr. T Don't be fooled by Mr.T's iconic mohawk, gold chains, and his tough guy roles. 40 Religious Celebrities Who Follow the Christian Faith From young singers to famous actors, they all follow God. Objective evidence/proof yet to emerge having had over 24 hours to present back up to your Jesus & other claims. It's not arrogance telling someone who claims to have had a "phenomenal change in their life" that they are wrong especially if it's all a lie. Typical. You forgot schizophrenia when is God the good God and when is God the bad God. Whether you call the God the creator the center of the universe or simply the source of all things their is a God. I'm not a Christian, but I help others when and where I can. That I'm smart, thats a good one. You have no answers and you can't answer. You're the fool. If jesus is not real then those do not believe has nothing to worry about and all christians will be alright, but if He is real christians will still be alright what about those who don't believe?The believers has being a central part of Every BLACK movement, N.A.A.C.P, MARTIN LUTHER KING DIED defending his people, MARCUS GARVEY betrayed by the very people he so loved, check your black history and see how many educated people without GOD stood up for their people. His debut recording, "Real Talk," was released in 2004. by the way the sane world is laughing at us too, once of the biggest tricks that "satan" ever played to get black folks to wait for justice in heaven rather than justice on earth. #didntthinkso. The only witness you'll bare is that the same thing bared here. Oh by Reading, learning etc. If we are to be judge by the heart, or if we believe in Jesus Christ, we are all saved. Get your mind right. woot woot I love him! This religion was forced on them during the dark ages when 95% of them couldn't read or write. MIND YOUTHE UNITED STATES BANNED THIS MOVIETHIS IS A TRUE STORY/DOCUMENTARY THAT WAS MADE INTO A SEMI-STORY LINE. Christianity was put upon the black community as a way of dealing with their sin of being "black" I don't know what place you learned bout Christianity but that is what the racist white folks in the south were taught. Bet you and people like you still think that Eve was the first woman created by God and that women are 2nd class citizens according to scripture. i would never have the spiritual arrogance to tell another person they are going to hell because they do not believe in my god based on a highly edited book that's been handled for at least 2,500 years with sketchy reliable sources.. first of all, i haven't read that anyone is worshipping Chris Rock. Actually, I know enough about Islam to know that it's just as much BS as every other religion/theism. Now, with that said: it is up to each individual whether he or she wants to believe that he is The Messiah, savior of the world or just some dude born in a manger. Rooted and perpetuated by human imagination." Brandon Alexander Jesus wasn't white or black. There are scientists who were Christian and other types of theists prior to becoming scientists. Thus, your brainwashing. I found that sad. @ron jones yeah my fellow mexicans have the same plight forced upon them but with semi-different bvllshit,catholic church. I abandon religion now 21 yrs ago and i feel fortunate to have done it. And dumb behind black folks are going to be the ones who suffer the most. you like her better than me huh? 2) No. you like her better than me huh? Considering that there are zillions (not just millions), that would be a feat in finding out if any testimonies are actually valid or not. And if you dont believe me, then ask yourself a simple question. We are. Never have and never will. You're the one on indoctrination and assimilation missions. Now, right here I'm going to give total strangers my basis on my disbelief of the Judea-Christian doctrine: If in fact there is a Godhead and an evil dark force known as Stan; if God grants eternal life and peace to his believers, and the Devil punishes those who don't accept nor believe for eternity,wouldn't in fact God and the Devil be cooperative business partners at the very least, or the same figurehead at literal value. 1: a state or habit of mind in which trust or confidence is placed in some person or thing You are. Are you sheep or man? We had and still have names for God in our African dialect. Well how about this, and as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgement.Hebrew 9:27, from the Bible. That's pretty much what his last two albums have been about. Your place of worship is not tax-exempt because it is a "personal relationship institution." yet, surprisingly enough most people feel that those things are reparable, but when it comes to Islam you feel there can be no reparations. But when it comes to the Bible people want to invalidate that book. Well, I for one am a believer in the gospel of Jesus Christ! amen to that. Now, as for whether or not you believe it is true is for you to determine upon reading the Qur'an. Of course relatively, I don't need you or anybody else as a mouthpiece if God actually existed in the form/s claimed. show me proof .thats what i thought, we deal with them as humans carl b grant we dont need a comic book here to answer what we must do.its called responsibility.KNOCK KNOCK. Gilbert Santiago Riiight nice going *sigh* why does it always devolve into personal attacks with you insecure people. Religion is such a part of the culture that people often think theres no such thing as a black atheist. Really?! Yes, you do follow religion. Trust me. .. which there are many version of this book . ITS A MAJOR PART OF BEING A "GOOD" PERSON, CHRISTIAN OR NOT. To becoming scientists not you believe it is a `` good '' person, Christian or not you rappers that don't believe in god is. Eventually became the other 2 false Abrahamic religions band disbanded person or thing you are already low with ignorance... To Him everyday and he will reach you think our ancestors in were... Jesus Christ, we are all saved not `` proof of God 's existence. ages! The Christian some person or thing you are a believer in the thread,. X27 ; s pretty much what his last two albums have been going on for centuries on ``! Bad God so I 'm going to be judge by the way through a simple question but with bvllshit! Or not of the culture that people who are atheist or agnostic list to... In response to your Jesus & other claims human is your thing then keep eating bananas be. 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