He talks about a Remnant church made up of ordinary, dedicated people; and God provision for those who belong to Him- a miraculous plan for each one. By studying the geologic materials of the seismic zone, the stress buildup of an area and the historical record, a probability of exceedance can be calculated. Have a professional assess your homes structure for quake vulnerabilities, then repair or reinforce any damaged or weak points. Infowars has more information about the quake. WebComputer Simulation of a Magnitude 7.7 Earthquake in the New Madrid Seismic Zone. The Great Lakes will be affected not once but several times by earthquakes. Back when there was only the big three on T.V,. I saw a news headline that read millions will exchange their religion for righteousness. Ken, my husband and I have been discussing JPJ in recent days. Well, Bobel didnt sugarcoat it. Here is one he gave on the end-time revival. This earthquake-prone region has been extremely active in the past and scientists predict it will be just as active in the near future. I will plan to check on this. Then I saw a map of the USA and a crack appeared down the right center of the US (I would say where the New Madrid fault is now that I have seen other maps.) Minnesota child of the most High. http://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20160418/k10010485981000.html?utm_int=news_contents_news-main_003. He predicts not merely the formation of one Super Church, but two. however generally speaking there are three zones in which earthquakes occur 0-70kms, 70- 300kms and 300-700kms deep. Please pray for my family z3 family. Your email address will not be published. We had the fracking come into Arkansas really heavy a few years back. Kathy, that is interesting, my bother and his wife live on a farm north of Montezuma, IA. Unfortunately for many, it will be too late. Thomas Harry It is quite interesting that this week Obama holds the deciding vote for the two resolutions in front of the UN which would split Israel in a 2-state solution. During Sunday prayer yesterday, as we prayed in the Spirit, I found myself saying Friday. He, too, has been interviewed on this subject on Sid Roths show. Eventually, to prove they werent related, they stopped fracking. WebTecumseh's prophecy: Preparing for the next New Madrid earthquake: A plan for an intensified study of the New Madrid seismic zone. This created temporary waterfalls along the Mississippi River, which in turn created a wave upstream; thus creating a wave which caused the formation of Reelfoot Lake by damming streams. From the approximate locations, ages and magnitudes a long term average recurrence interval can be calculated. http://injesuschrististand.blogspot.ae. That matches up a 6 month delay from the 9th of Cheshvan which is a day on the Hebrew Calendar when several severe quakes have struck. I understand this will create the massive open water way that looks like a vast ocean occupying the once South and Southeast side of Des Moines. After hearing mena lee and others I asked the lord one night what did he want me to do, is this really the time? Is it just me or does anyone else feel like something big is about to happen at any moment?? The colors are keyed to the peak intensity of ground velocity at the surface. We would feel it and then some They say that this quake could set off others because of its magnitude. As he was watching, the ocean turned on its side and poured down on top of the area. Those living in the low lying coastal areas or below dams and reservoirs near the epicenter would be at risk. For a few years now the fracking has been stopped. http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-04-18/dozens-large-earthquakes-strike-speculation-mounts-japans-southern-island-may-split, 4 earthquakes in one hour today 5.6 Chile 5.3 Japan 5.9 Vanuatu 5.1 Equador. Then he gave me a vivid dream of the Boston terror attacks. ST. LOUIS, Mo. Last summer, we believe God told us to flee Babylon shortly after He woke us up from complacency we had fallen into. I had no idea at that time I would be leading this class, but the LORD did. It is one of the best discernment building words I have ever read. When I looked at the clock last, it was 9:11 pm. The moment I stopped getting in the way and let God do His work on my husband 3 days later he became born again and He no longer thinks Im crazy. Tim Price Its just not talked about as much. First thing that came to, BOB, Sadly, none of these tragic events in NZ appear normal weather events to me. I live in Minnesota and was wondering also.when I got done reading this post, I seen a huge spiritual presence in my front yard. I needed that jolt from the Holy Spirit! This reminds me of a vision I received a week or so ago. The dream it always starts with me standing in downtown Des Moines, Iowa on the Westside of what use to be downtown next to the Des Moines River. Since LORD is NOW pouring out HIS SPIRIT, like from the Book of Acts 2 people receiving dreams, and visions in the LAST DAYS. The thing about earthquakes is that they are unpredictable. Mac Slavo For Scott, Stoddard and Dunklin counties the percentage estimates are 0.1-1% killed, 0.5-5%seriously injured, 5% of structures collapsed and 20%with severe structural damage. We started having many, many earthquakes. I too have a husband who does not believe as I do, but I have lifted him up to the Lord and pray for mercy often. I know there is a huge difference in personal prophetic ministry and that of the office of a prophet, but JPJ called me out of a crowd at Morningstar in Charlotte many years ago and absolutely read my mail and his prophetic words over me came to pass. WebThe New Madrid quake is especially intriguing not only because of its unparalleled power, but also because it occurred in an area which is normally devoid of tectonic activity, including earthquakes. Matt 9: 12 Jesus said I did not come to call the http://pourvotredelivrance.eklablog.fr/suite-messages-multiples-v-c31587780, Please include a date that these were received, Please specify if your name should be used. You are in His hands. The Lord hears our cries and I have faith he will reach our loved ones before its too latepraying for you and your family. and I do have earthquake insurance on my house because its cheap, and there likely would be structural damage to buildings in this area if the big one did occur (again). Lake Michigan will dump here waters into Chicago and man from yrs 71-73 on Youtube was given a series of dreams concerning Chicago he saw The Great Lakes emptying out into places like The Mississippi flooding states. Yes Francy, its really hard to imagine. David Wilkerson may have claimed to only be a watchman but was truly a Prophet of the Lord, and his awesome prophetic words are becoming more relevant every day. The Lord made me to understand a few months back a 9.0 earthquake would hit The New Madrid causing inland tsunamis that will flood or wipe out towns along the Mississippis banks. Did J.P. Jackson say Fuji would erupt at cherry blossom time? But OOOOOHHH its so hard to watch!! Wow! We left house, cars, and pretty much everything else we owned to go live in a country where we dont even know the language. Eye roll will have food to eat and water to drink. The earth is reeling in both hemispheres and all around the globe. Mark the video did not come through,-But the post sure did WOW! He was a humble man and just called himself a watchman. Makes sense to me. (PDF). http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/map/ John Paul Jackson spoke even more directly about this. The ground was pushed up high in someplaces creating hilly areas of downtown especially by where the Des Moines and Raccoon Rivers use to but now they were 1 . I didnt know 23 = death, but that makes sense. Ali has posted a message recently about the Ohio Valley. So they stopped again the earthquakes stopped again too. Ive followed the ministry of Wilkerson since I read his book, The Cross and the Switchblade, in the 80s in my late teens. The New Madrid Seismic Zone ( / mdrd / ), sometimes called the New Madrid Fault Line, is a major seismic zone and a prolific source of intraplate earthquakes (earthquakes within a tectonic plate) in the southern and midwestern United States, stretching to the southwest from New Madrid, Missouri . The New Madrid fault system was responsible Here is a word from my daughters friend in Amarillo, TX who is very prophetic: Theyll have to discover that on their own. ), I received 3 dream visions: 2) First, I saw 2 HUGE ELECTRICAL POWER TOWERS standing in an open field. Remember, most earthquake injuries come from falling objects and debris, not the actual movement of the ground. This is the final gathering of spiritual Israel long foretold in scripture. Altoona is 30miles from Des Moines Indianola is 20miles away, I was made to understand this by God in downtown Des Moines you have the Des Moines River and the Raccoon both had merged. Website is best viewed in web browser Brave. This is that very thing. Brother Weather I agree with Ken , I have Wilkerson s 1973 book the vision , almost all has come to pass just as David said , I believe he was a great man of GOD . In this video, Shane goes into some detail from his prophetic dream(s) about the New Madrid fault line as well as some exciting predictions about the substantial growth in the price of silver. Mena Lee Grebin Ireland perhaps??? Its quite an account. She was pushing a stroller that was covered with a blanket, so I couldnt see a child inside. Credit: US Geological Survey Human and Economic Risks It is responsible for several of the fault lines that run through New York City, including one under 125 th Street. Significant damage is also expected in of southern Illinois, western Kentucky and Tennessee, northeastern Arkansas and northwestern Mississippi as well as in areas of southeast Missouri outside the Bootheel. WHAT A DAY THAT WILL BEIT WILL BE WORTH IT ALL WE SHALL BEHOLD HIM. The granite of the West is better able to contain the shaking, according to Pennsylvania State UniversitysEarthquake Seismology Group. WebTecumseh's prophecy: Preparing for the next New Madrid earthquake: A plan for an intensified study of the New Madrid seismic zone: Series title: Circular: Series number: This vision of David Wilkerson was one of several that He used to get our attention. If anyone is interested, there is a guy on Youtube named dutchsinse who is always watching quakes and very good at determining where EQs will be striking. It is possible and biblical to not partake of plagues and sins while living in an ungodly place. DECLARE A HEDGE OF PROTECTION I particularly liked the insight to Dave Wilkersons word of prophecy. Im a little less than 6 hours from Memphis, TN (that area is considered to be near the epicenter). Later, after 9/11 happened I made the connection. He documented every case where the US messed with Israel, and we were ALWAYS judged within 24 hours in a way that paralleled what we did to Israel. Thank You Mark Shipowick! How about an excuse for the UN peace keepers to come ashore. , You guys love danger! Mary and Sandra, Ive also lifted both of you and your husbands in prayer to our Father. Every year hundreds of small earthquakes occur in the NMSZ, however, most are too small to be felt by humans and can only be detected by sensitive instruments. http://pourvotredelivrance.eklablog.fr/suite-messages-multiples-v-c31587780, Please include a date that these were received, Please specify if your name should be used. Once the confirmation of the covenant is confirmed by the son of perdition and others then that would start the tribulation.so we would be going from birth pains to tribulation once that is signed. Said this will happen when US moves to force Israel to LOUISVILLE, Ky. The question is not if amassive earthquake will hitmore than a half dozen states that border the Mississippi River, butratherwhenit will happen. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Yes Lord I pray that You will place your angels in strategic places and that You will keep Your people safe. The earthquakes stopped too. Ezekiel 33:6. When he told me the dream, my first thought was that it could financial rather than literal. A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the In Missouri, the report estimates a direct economic loss of $69 billion dollars and nearly 87,000 damaged buildings. Im familiar a little with his word about this I just dont know if cherry blossom time was specified. This animation shows the simulated ground motion of the Earths surface that could occur Jeffrey A. Tucker On January 19, 2004, Joseph Cook of Evansville, IN, received a series of inner visions and words that portray a future earthquake that will strike his hometown. It is coming very very soon. If the website is not updating, clear your web browser cache. righteous, but sinners to repentance! Yes, also check out Eye for Eye by William Koenig. No year, just the month and day. The GLO I think youre far enough away that you wouldnt have structural damage. The LIGHT SWITCH stands for electricity, and the HAM RADIO stands for communications. My husband started a job on the Mississippi River at an oil refinery about 6 months ago. I turned and started running toward my kids to tell them we needed to get out of there right away because I thought that these people were there to do us harm. Currently, paleoseismologists have found evidence of three or more large earthquakes (magnitude 7.0 or larger) which have occurred in the last 2,000 years. 1) I was not shown exactly the meaning of this dream.however, I believe it could pertains to the western, America/European world, since the Titanic came from Britian, and was headed to N.Y.C. Please pray for NYC. While not as well known for earthquakes as California or Alaska, the New Madrid Seismic Zone (NMSZ), located in southeastern Missouri, northeastern Arkansas, western Tennessee, western Kentucky and southern Illinois, is the most active seismic area in the United States, east of the Rocky Mountains. It is such a hard and sobering word but I feel at some point God will open the door and allow it to be spoken if it is His will. In the affected areas be prepared to spend the night in cars or outdoors because large earthquakes often have large fore and aftershocks. (Ps. A minor earthquakeearly Wednesday that centered on Decatur in East Tennessee about 60 miles southwest of Knoxville was felt into Georgia, Kentucky, North Carolina and South Carolina. And the Lord told her to get waterproof boots for hiking, wool socks and wool sweater, rain coat. I had 2 dreams that night, after a couple of weeks of purchasing items I had a third dream confirming I was hearing the lord correctly and was on the right path. Thick unfertile sand deposited by sandblows and fissures can impact large areas, as fields graded for irrigation will no longer be level, drainage ditches can become blocked, and transport of materials, supplies and crops will be difficult. More recently, he had a dream of being on the east coast watching a 1000 ft wave coming towards him. It could happen now, tomorrow, or next month.. Mike- We are to live in faith not fear. The time is very close now! My daughter told me the other day that she feels strongly that a catastrophe is at hand and that we have pretty much run out of time. ( They tried to, Thank you for sharing this , God bless you, Annie Marie; Found this article with Video on alt. I believe this flash dream pertains to the electricity going out. I prayed that your light would shine brightly before them that they may see your good deeds and praise our Father (Matt 5:16). Everything this idiot so called President is doing is either bringing this nation down and/or doing things that is displeasing to God. They are not that uncommon here in Southern California. Scientists have made great strides in the last 50 years in understanding this complex area. The U.S. position on the issue is unchanged, Kirby told reporters during a daily briefing at the State Department in Washington. Everyone keeps talking about a great shaking that is coming. Bringing back that encounter with those maps in the 1960s in a prophetic warning from The Lord. Also, we sold everything in an auction about 10 years ago. Give, and you will receive. and he prophesied of an electronic device that would pump filth into our homes (even Christian homes he said) that would make those Christians of that (former) day cringe and blush, he was called crazy. For assistance, please contact the Department of Natural Resources at 573-751-3443 or by email at dnrwebcontact@dnr.mo.gov. Silent Warrior He doesnt speak to me, like He did, very often. I believe God will look upon the past 20 years as famine of the Word, as years the cankerworm has eaten, years of self-seeking, years of strangers being exalted in Gods house, years of devilish music, proud preachers, money madness, empire building, years of shallowness. Several news sites, including the LA Times are reporting huge sections of land around the San Andreas fault rising and sinking. Maria Conwell Folks, Gods judgment tool the Destroyer aka Planet X has already entered our solar system, even though its still millions of miles away its already starting to affect our planet with all these natural disasters happening everywhere look up for your redeemer is coming! Earthquakes can not only destroy infrastructure such as dams, large earthquakes can change the course of rivers and the landscape itself. It is only a half-hour long, but it is riveting. This animation shows the simulated ground motion of the Earths surface that could occur in the central U.S. region for a magnitude 7.7 strike-slip earthquake on the southern section of the New Madrid seismic zone. Saints please lets unite in prayer for NYC. Some of the details involved in this prophecy include an unzipping of the fault so powerful that it'll Anita Alexander Mr. (Bright ), Kathleen: His love, kindness, and protection will never depart from us. In all of my many dreams of this for the past few years I always see the foundations of buildings in NYC remaining. Between 2004-2014 that number shot to almost 900!!! WebDONATIONS: PayPal emaiI: lionofjudahfire@yahoo.comOn 3/17/19 God said "New Madrid Fault." And thats cheap right now. This could also be a possible scenario for Matt Smiths prophetic poem (March to June) posted here on Z3. St. Louis would be GREATLY affected. Kevin Mirasi posted today of having a vision of a 9+ earthquake coming to Japan and an economic crisis coming to Germany and Europe. Folks I feel the need to remind many-dont forget pet supplies. And, I have every reason to believe itll happen in our lifetimes. Officials in the Prime Ministers Office say that Syrian President Assad demanded that one principle upon which the international talks will be based is that the Golan Heights be considered occupied territory that must be returned to Syria. They were waiting in a line and I noticed an odd looking woman walking toward me. You can send a check payable to Jonathan Theiben, Jonathan Theiben For those who are preparing, for what could be coming in the future, being a Ham Radio Operator, would be a good hobby to have! It is estimated that 40%of all small businesses will not reopen after a major disaster and of the ones that do open 25%of those will close within one year. Dr. Patricia Greens husband noticed all the catacombs stilamights caverns under The Midwest and he saw all the ones under California on a map that took 3 to 4 people to roll out. Does anyone know if Minneapolis, Minnesota is affected by the Madrid fault line? When I am hesitant about SOUNDING the ALARM, or putting out an ALERT, I am reminded that, as a WATCHWOMAN ON THE WALL, I need to be obedient, and share what I was shown, so the people can pray & prepare! If I dont, then I am responsible for any harm that might come.. Hes on the east side of st. Louis. A magnitude 6.3 earthquake near Lepanto, Arkansas on Jan. 5, 1843 and was the next prior earthquake of this magnitude. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back., https://www.paypal.com/donate?business=D9WWAPRNLKZ2L¤cy_code=USD, If you are uncomfortable with those options. I was so blessed to have a man from AZ send a copy of RACING TOWARD JUDGEMENT in giving him another of SET THE TRUMPET TO THY MOUTH. Earthquakes with magnitudes above 2.5 were registered along the New Madrid Fault on Saturday and Monday. Brethren, I am praying that this fault zone will remain dormant for a very long time. Blessings. I cant shake it and it would be very unexpected. Thanks Mark for posting this. Bob Jones Earthquake Prophecies. Could the 9/11 reference be connected to a 13.3 EQ ? (I think of it as 10 min. Trust that The Lord will deliver you. some prophetic ring to these earthquakes so close together! Without a doubt, it will become one of the most completely reported earthquake ever. It is projected to be a 9.0 followed by huge tsunamis. This one was a man who was pretending to be the other ones husband and father to the unseen infant in the stroller. So, what could a big quake look like in the fault zone today? However, I had never read any of his other works until this week. I dont believe this is considered a peace agreement at all. Its powerful, sobering, on target, and edifying. As America Has Done to Israel. These two words are URGENT, and felt people would want to know to pray: also John Kilpatricks vision of the I kept thinking about the movie The Day After Tomorrow where it showed Los Angeles ripped in 2 by a faultline. http://www.jma.go.jp/en/quake/20160420212343395-202119.html. I dont know just seemed interesting. CP note: Right after I posted the above prediction about Hoover Dam, a prophecy by a seer named Bob Jones came to mind about him seeing Mammoth Lake (east of Modesto, CA) flooding after a volcanic eruption or an earthquake. . Darrel, I checked the map in Patricia D s comment and there does appear to be a southeast component to the island. Island split Japan When you recognize that youre living in Babylon, youd better plan your exit. The safest place to be is in His will, not staying in Egypt when its time to go or fleeing from Jezebel when its time to stand. Nothing came of thatexcept the horrible radiation, but THIS TIME, I really wonder. Lord have mercy. Netanyahus declaration came as UN-sponsored international efforts are being made to obtain a political accord to end the civil war in Syria. In response to Darrell Sansoms post , To the z3news family, God put it on my heart and in my mind yesterday that we should be praying for everyone reading, contributing prophecies and commenting, that Gods grace and protection would abound in their lives- that they would supernaturally escape destruction to be a witness for non-believers. 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