McMillan, and through him Time magazine, are also the primary sources for the general belief that Ray financed his after-escape activities with money earned in Jeff City. Therefore, I challenge your authority to hear it. (In the period 1963-64, there were 550 serious assaults inside Jefferson City, including hundreds of stabbings, which is why Time magazine called it the "bloodiest 47 acres in America." On March 28th, riots took place in Memphis and King was present; on March 29th, Democrat Senator Byrd threw down the gauntlet with Democrat president Lyndon Baines Johnson by delivering a fiery speech on the Senate Floor intended to get the president to stop Kings march; Johnson announced on March 31st that he would not seek reelection; a bullet would take the life of King days later on April 4th, one year to the day after delivering what many viewed as an incendiary speech at the time. But Westberg had been told that the guard did not open the bread box. The same NSRP member said there were plans to kill Martin Luther King. James Earl Ray, (born March 10, 1928, Alton, Illinois, U.S.died April 23, 1998, Nashville, Tennessee), American assassin of the African American civil-rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr. Ray had been a small-time crook, a robber of gas stations and stores, who had served time in prison, once in Illinois and twice in Missouri, and received a suspended sentence in Los Angeles. Christopher S. Bond (now U.S. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. Further information about this communist was found in the book, Its Very Simple: The True Story of Civil Rights, by the late author and speaker Alan Stang. He was first convicted for a burglary in California in the year 1949. 14. Each year, the third Monday in January is a celebration to commemorate the life and accomplishments of Martin Luther King Jr., the tireless civil rights activist who was gunned down in Memphis, TN, in 1968. While taking dancing classes, he was attracted to the presidential campaign of George Wallace. He was sentenced to 99 years at the State penitentiary. Although it is possible to live in the same prison with someone for 10 years and never speak to him, it is still an intimate atmosphere. After the assassination, King's family did not trust the findings of the FBI, which had harassed the civil rights leader while he was alive. The date was November 9, 1963. This should have been driven home years ago when a surreptitious tape recording was made of J.A. Hunter Pitts ODell, former National Committee member of the CPUSA, was employed by SCLC. Sometime before 4:00 p.m. on April 4, 1968, James Earl Ray parked his white Mustang on South Main Street and, under an assumed name, rented a room in the second floor rooming house directly above the grill. She told a congressional subcommittee that while she was a member of the Communist Party, she knew Martin Luther King to be closely connected with the Communist Party. Brown joined The American Opinion Speakers Bureau, and while on the lecture circuit, she told audiences that King was the hero of Americas Communists. Martin Luther King Jr. On April 4, 1967 a year to the day prior to Kings assassination King delivered his Beyond Vietnam speech at Riverside Baptist Church in New York City. Jerry Ray told me in the 1970s he had taken pictures of the countryside around the prison and had sent them into James Earl Ray. Ray watched it all on the cell-block TV at Jeff City. Law enforcement agencies believe that he started indulging in criminal activities as he could not support himself financially. I spent virtually all of 1962 in solitary. people lost faith in the political system. James Earl Ray (born 1965) is listed at 42036 Queen Anne Ct Northville, Mi 48167 and has no known political party affiliation. Over the years, as book after book has been published on the King case, numerous conspiracy theories have been advanced: that the FBI was involved; that the CIA feared King would come out in opposition to the Vietnam War; that rival black leaders felt King's non-violent approach was a hindrance to black progress; that white supremacists wanted him out of the way for obvious reasons. The coffee was contraband. He is a male registered to vote in Wayne County, Michigan. Some even said Ray was a racist, but he claimed to me that he was never hostile toward anyone. Most recently, after Ray's death in . In June of 2008, Harding spoke at Stanford University and said the following: Many people within the movement said, Martin, you cannot raise your voice against Johnsons war because Johnson is our man and if you raise your voice against Johnsons war, Johnson being Johnson, is not going to like it.'. UN Pushing New Age Spirituality on Schoolchildren, Arizona Poised to Make Pledge of Allegiance Mandatory in Schools. It would later be learned that Ray's classification card contained erroneous fingerprints, which were initially distributed nationally. There were no cellblock TVs in Jefferson City in 1963 and 1964. On Feb. 17, 1997, while working for The Tennessean, I sat in the office of ReverendKings youngest son, Dexter, then chairman, president and chief executive officer of the King Center for Non Violent Social Change in Atlanta, as he told me why his family felt Ray should have a new trial. He is a member of Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity.[3]. James Earl Ray. James Earl Ray, (born March 10, 1928, Alton, Illinois, U.S.died April 23, 1998, Nashville, Tennessee), American assassin of the African American civil-rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr. James Earl Ray confessed to shooting King and was sentenced to 99 years in prison. So Westberg, who was assigned to work in the kitchen at that time, figured a man could get in the bread box, have a tray of bread placed on top of him, and pass right out of the prison (the box also had a lid over the top tray of bread). Brown has spoken about how his upbringing shaped his philosophy. Stoner is the following: Over the years, state and federal authorities have come to suspect that Stoner's violent rhetoric cannot be dismissed merely as fascist ravings. After Kings violent death, and the sealing of most government files related to King, the natural tendency of people to not want to speak ill of the dead set in. In my many discussions with people such as Laster, Westberg and Davis on the subject of escape--and how to avoid capture afterward--no one mentioned that method.). Therefore, ironically, the society that King intended to bear the cost for his civil disobedience was to be ablack society. While attending law school, Brown worked as a substitute teacher. As a reporter and columnist for this newspaper, I had the chance to interview the incarcerated Ray numerous times before his death on April 23, 1998. Shortly before his seventh birthday, in 1935, his father passed a bad check and the Rays fled to Ewing, Missouri, where they changed their name to Raynes to avoid . In 1983, President Ronald Reagan signed the holiday into law, and it was first recognized three years later. Never afraid to share his political views, Grammer is known for his conservative values. As the paper notes: Through Levisons influence, other subversives were attracted to SCLC [The Southern Christian Leadership Conference, which King helped found]. In 1967, he returned to the United States (Los Angeles) from Mexico and took dancing classes in a bartending school. the Democratic Party won the presidency. A member of the Republican Party, White was first elected in District 12 in 2010, which then included Angelina, San Jacinto, Trinity, and Tyler counties.He left office on August 11, 2022. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). I don't recall that your name's ever been submitted, sir. None. He said that another person he met in Canada by the name Raoul was the actual person who plotted the murder and ultimately pulled the trigger. Four days after that, Martin Luther King, Jr. was dead. Martin Luther King that James Earl Ray did not kill this nations most prominent civil rights leader. Born in a poor family, Ray had a difficult childhood as his father could not support his family. In the year 1977, Ray escaped from the prison for the second time along with six other convicts from the Brushy Mountain State Penitentiary located in Petros, Tennessee. A consequence of Kings alleged involvement in those riots was that it caught the attention of some powerful politicians. Kershaw made Ray to take a polygraph test as part of an interview with Playboy. The crisis at the Democratic National Convention marked a . The Q2 rifle-had general class characteristics of six lands and Unfortunately, the scene described by McMillan could not have happened. Benny was eventually placed on the FBI's 10-Most-Wanted list and was captured in Canada, where he was posing as an engineer and had married a school teacher. His first prison break happened in 1967, when he escaped the Missouri State Penitentiary on a bread truck before fleeing to Canada. Since Ray's arrest for the assassination, he has become mythified. Although it is often. Soon after his release from prison, he was again convicted for mail fraud in Hannibal, Missouri and served three prison sentences at the Leavenworth Federal Penitentiary. Judge Brown's lawyer filed an appeal, but the appeal was refused. But if you see something that doesn't look right, click here to contact us! Although Ray had two attempted escapes on his record, he did not have nearly as much heat on him as Westberg. In subsequent disclosures, Ray said that he was not the only person involved in the murder of King. James Earl Ray, a 40-year-old convicted armed robber who had escaped from the Missouri State Penitentiary in Jefferson City, Mo., on April 23, 1967, pleaded guilty on March 10, 1969, in Shelby County (Tenn.) Criminal Court to the first degree murder of Dr. King. McMillans false scenarios portray Ray as a rabid racist in prison. While serving in the military, Ray was often charged with drunkenness and breaking arrest. Laster made several more desperate attempts to escape, including one attempt to saw out of death row (during which a guard captain was blinded). Wait Who? (153) Manhunt in the mountains: James Earl Ray and the Brushy Mountain Prison breakout of 1977, How The Tennessean covered Martin Luther King Jr.'s death in its pages, Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy. The verdict did convict Loyd Jowers and "other parties known and unknown" for their parts in the vast US government conspiracy to assassinate King. (In the period 1963-64, there were 550 serious assaults inside Jefferson City, including hundreds of stabbings, which is why, An egregious example of shoddy workmanship is the book. It got so that the very sight of King would galvanize Ray. No one else I knew did either. He is the one who sits in leadership and is the most powerful person of a country. Ray was convicted in 1969 after entering a guilty pleathus forgoing a jury trial and the possibility of a death sentenceand was sentenced to . After this Ray was on the run and was captured in the UK. A two month long manhunt spanning five countries was launched by the law enforcement agencies to nab him. This is why I believe they steered FBI investigators toward convicts who really didn't know anything. Stoner certainly wasnt the only radical white supremacist running around, however-just the best known. The other people involved in this conspiracy, Jowers said, included Memphis police officers, a Mafia member and the infamous Raoul. The damage to Dr. King's clothing, when tested microscopically The introduction to the paper observed that since 1956, King had occupied a prominent role in the drive for equal rights for Negroes in the Untied States. It continued by noting, The course King chooses to follow at this critical time could have momentous impact on the future of race relations in the United States, and for that reason this paper has been prepared to give some insight into the nature of the man himself as well as the nature of his views, goals, objective, tactics, and the reason therefore., The papers summary of Kings planned Washington Spring project is contrary to the image of King painted by most historians as a man who employed only the most peaceful means. I know they interviewed some inmates, but they did not interview the people most likely to know something (and also the most likely to tell them to go to hell). I've seen it happen again and again. 9 A staff report, An Analysis of James Earl Ray's Trip to New Orleans, December 15-21, 1967, appears in XIII Appendix to the HSCA-MLK hearings (hereinafter referred to as staff report: New Orleans trip). January 30, 1961. It contained a pair of binoculars, a newspaper with a story about King staying at the Lorraine Motel, and a .30-06 Remington Gamemaster that had fired one shot. On June 8 he was apprehended by London police at Heathrow Airport as he was about to embark for Brussels; the FBI had established him as the prime suspect almost immediately after the assassination. They would rather ignore the facts than become disillusioned. Lee Harvey Oswald James Earl Ray Sirhan Sirhan . It is clear why tyrants wish to keep people from learning about Price and reading the powerful words he wrote defending freedom and Is Christianity the enemy of science? The greatest sin a convict can commit in prison is to escape. This time, Ray rented an apartment for $100 a month at 1535 N. Serrano Ave., a. As a loner, it would be impossible for Ray to deal large quantities of drugs, because one of the cliques would simply rob him, and there wouldn't be much he could do, alone, against a clique with a dozen members. When The John Birch Society first made Kings communist connections known almost 50 years ago, most people were skeptical. and other allegedly exculpatory evidence are not worthy of belief. Stoner had trouble getting into the case, however, because no mainstream lawyer wanted anything to do with him. Tray after tray of bread would be stacked into a large box, and then the box would be loaded onto a pickup truck and hauled to the farms. Dwight Lewis served in a variety of roles at The Tennessean, including reporter and columnist, from 1971 to 2011. Its important to note that this verdict was not a criminal conviction, as is sometimes erroneously implied when this case surfaces online. In my interviews with him, I've found him to be eerily unflappable. it near 424 South Main Street, It is highly probable that James Earl Ray stalked Dr. King for a 1-86-NARA-NARA or 1-866-272-6272, The President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection, John McAdams (The John F. Kennedy Assassination Information Center), Dr. King was killed by one shot fired from in front of him. In the year 1952, he served a two year prison sentence for the armed robbery of a cab driver. Some of the books written about the assassination describe him as a major drug dealer in Jefferson City, which is ludicrous. and chemically, revealed the presence of lead from a disintegrating A year before, hed escaped from Missouri State Penitentiary while serving a 20-year sentence, and was on the lam at the time King was shot. All rights reserved. Why did James Earl Ray have cancer? I have respect for the King family, however, as thousands of people converge on Memphis and in other places on Wednesday to commemorate the 50th anniversary of MLKs death, the King family is dead wrong. Warden Swenson of the Jeff City prison immediately issued an edict that convicts could no longer correspond with editors. Ireland. The jury was clearly convinced by the extensive evidence that was presented during the trial that, in addition to Mr. Jowers, the conspiracy of the Mafia, local, state and federal government agencies, were deeply involved in the assassination of my husband.. Dexter and his family too believed that he did not commit the crime and urged the government to grant a new trial to Ray. James Earl Ray pleaded guilty to killing Dr. King; he challenged the plea and failed. He shot. In the 1960s John Larry Ray (another brother) owned a tavern in St. Louis, and that tavern was an unofficial headquarters for the Wallace for President campaign. Starting with his contribution to the presidential campaign of Wallace, Ray developed a strong animosity towards Martin Luther King Jr. Now he is presumed to be guilty until he proves his innocence. Westberg was the first to learn that the bread box wasn't searched. Ray was also Stoner's bodyguard and chauffeur. After the King shooting, one person living at the rooming house where the shot was fired described the assassin as heavy set with receding hair. Those who express skepticism at the results of the 1999 trial in which James Earl Ray was found innocent of assassinating King have an incredible hurdle to overcome the belief of the King family, which sides with Ray. people lost faith in the political system. He filmed local prostitutes during their work hours in pursuit of his cinematographic dream, but he eventually left Puerto Vallarta after being jilted by his girlfriend who, coincidentally, was also one of the prostitutes he filmed. Yet given the way the bureau had treated her and her family, her suspicion of the FBI and its conclusions about her husbands killer came from a very reasonable place, says John McMillian, a history professor at Georgia State University. King's killing sent shock waves through American society at the time, and is still regarded as a landmark. As the paper continued, it provided documentation that what King planned for after the civil disobedience would not be so innocuous. He began to call him Martin "Lucifer" King and Martin Luther "Coon." After the publication of the Playboy story, Ray fired Kershaw when he found that Playboy paid him $11,000 for facilitating the interview. However, the assessment of King got even worse. As for how Welch was able to gather such damning information about King when the FBI files on the activist were classified, much has to do with the fact that there were many patriotic members of the FBI and other agencies who recognized that Welch and the society he founded constituted a trustworthy place to reveal what they knew. Ray was not married and details of his relationships with any women are not known. After reading about the news in newspapers, he immediately drove to Memphis. ", The Miami police were sufficiently impressed with Milteer's seriousness that the Secret Service was alerted, and an imminent presidential motorcade into the city was canceled. Davis and Laster were both shot during that attempt. That caused the Reverend Emanuel Cleaver, then executive director of the Kansas City Chapter of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (and now Mayor of Kansas City, Missouri) to send a request to Missouri Gov. In fact, King's family was as convinced of Ray's innocence as the families of Nicole and Ron were convinced of Simpson's guilt. He volunteered for Wallaces campaign and was very disappointed when Wallace could not win the campaign. "Somebody's gotta get him," Ray would say, his face drawn with tension, his fists clenched. He did not want to be buried in the USA because he considered that the American government did not treat him fairly. His prints were found all over the hotel room in Memphis where the shots that killed King were thought to have come from, and they covered the murder weapon -a Remington hunting rifle he purchased in Birmingham, AL. Under the sub-head Communist Exposed, the paper went on to reveal more about ODell: King was forced to get rid of Hunter Pitts ODell in October, 1962, when several newspaper articles exposed ODells connection with SCLC and his communist affiliations. Barely 48 hours later, on March 31st, Johnson would publicly announce that he would not seek reelection. James Earl Ray knowingly, intelligently, and voluntarily pleaded guilty to the first degree murder of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. For some 50 years, the federal. It wasn't until November 9, 1970--years after Ray escaped from Jefferson City--that inmates were allowed to purchase small black-and-white television sets, which they could keep in their cells. Corrections? If this self-seeking rabble-rouser is allowed to go through with his plans here, Washington may well be treated to the same kind of violence, destruction, looting, and bloodshed.1. Some people had trouble, for example, believing Ray had arranged his international escape all by himself, since he had a track record of getting caught for more minor crimes. Indeed, a former agent from the FBIs field office in Atlanta said the bureaus tracking of King was second only to the way they went after Jimmy Hoffa. In 1975, a group of former FBI agents called on Congress to investigate this harrassment. I've always had trouble accepting Ray as an assassin. After several days, the prison officials concluded that Ray had actually escaped, and they put out an alarm. The facts tend to be the same, G. Robert Blakey, a law professor at Notre Dame University, told me on April 8, 1998 during an interview as I worked as a columnist for The Tennessean. 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