Chapter 14--Jael Her Name Means "A Wild or Mountain Goat" Her Character: Decisive and courageous, she seized the opportunity to slay an enemy of God's people. As horrible as this was, we have to appreciate Jaels wit and bravery. Others propose that physical ascension requires finding literal footing, whereas figurative ascension (in prosperity and cultural diversity) is fundamentally based on the mastery of practical and useful skills. Jael Articles. We cannot and must not be passive in our struggle against our enemy and, more importantly, the enemy of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Jewish Women: A Comprehensive Historical Encyclopedia. She calls for Barak from Kedesh in Naphtali to go up against Jabin and his army as the Lord will turn him over to Barak. The old man, as was customary, offered up his own daughter instead so that he would not be guilty of offending his temporary guests. Therefore, Jael had some family ties to Israel. When he asked for water, she gave him milk. Jabin was trying to conquer Israel, which was at that time under the leadership of Deborah, a prophetess and the only female to judge the nation of Israel. Before we talk anymore about Jael, we have to talk about what was going on in Israel at the time. Killing Sisera was the ultimate betrayal of a guest. Heber was a descendant of Jethro, the priest of Midian and the father-in-law of Moses. I also want you to recognise that you are capable of bringing the word that God has given you to pass. When Sisera got to her tent she invited him in and he entered without fear because " there was peace between Jabinand the house of Heber ". document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. They also can tolerate dehydration and high body temperatures. After all, a sleeping man cannot defend himself. Ehud wisely befriended the king by giving him presents and praise, and eventually made himself welcome in the kings court. Shortly after Deborah and Baraks exchange, Baraks army met Siseras in the battle in which Sisera would be delivered into the hand of the Israelites. What are some of the outstanding qualities of Jael based on the little that has been revealed about her in the Bible? He fell asleep and while he slept, she killed him. One day Deborah was sitting under the Palm Tree of Deborah, and the Israelites came up to her to ask what to do about Sisera. The Jezebel Bible story comes to a close with the queen's gory death. She was not about to play around with this evil man. 3. Just before he fell asleep, Sisera instructed Jael to stand at the door of the tent and lie to any man who appeared to be looking for him, to which she seemed to agree (Judges 4:20). What character qualities, positive or negative, do we see demonstrated in Jael's life? Jael went out to meet Barak and said, Come in here, and I will show you the man you are looking for. So Barak entered the tent with Jael. He denounced religious rulers for heaping impossible burdens on the people listening to them. KNOWN OF ALL TENT DWELLING WOMENTO BE MOST BLESSEDJudges 4:17-22; 5:6, 24-27. And not just any milk. Then, however, another XYZ Burgers franchise opened just down the street from Jael's restaurant. Cultivate gratitude to God first and foremost. Charles Spurgeon once gave a sermon where he compared Sisera to sin. Jael was a Nomadic, tent dweller. He was such a coward. All the Women of the Bible Jael :, Bible Study Monthly,, Commentary On The Book of Judges 2., Dr. Peter Pett BA, BD (Hons-London) DD, Judges 4 tells us that God sold Israel into the hand of Jabin king of Canaan because the Israelites were doing what was evil in His sight. Living such a life required strong hands and a willingness to work hard. Common jackals are a little smaller than wolves and are recognizable by their bushy tails. Your email address will not be published. Kedesh was a fenced city of Naphtali, a city of refuge. Jael was vigilant Jael was the typical woman taking care of the daily affairs of her home. Delilah does not like to be under authority and she loves to have her way. And Ehud smotes him in the heart, leaving the dagger in his body with a treacherous slight of hand. Feminine hospitality is a powerful thing to a man. To take a refugee into her tent, show him hospitality and make him feel safe, and then kill him was an act of gruesome treachery. Jaels actions did not make sense in the moment. Jewish Virtual Library, These things were made from metal. A deeper understanding of people in the Bible. I can laugh now, but at that time in my life I had only been burned by men. Jael, Shawna R.T. Atteberry, 5 Things You Should Know about the ESV Bible Translation. She is educated. The way she killed Sisera was really gruesome and inglorious. Israel was at war with the Canaanites. Jael saw her opportunity to act and seized it. Then Sisera said to Jael, Go stand at the entrance to the tent. Trust in God's Word Deborah trusted in the word of God. The Israelites finally destroyed him (Judges 4:23-24) which is why it was written that Jael was the wife of Heber the Kenite. Change). 1. Two stations were monitored between July 1996 and April 1998 to study temporal variation in species diversity and abundance of the epi- and endo-benthos. This article incorporates text from a publication now in the public domain:Easton, Matthew George (1897). In the Baroque period, Jael continued to be a sexual figure in art. A woman who, without her remarkably courageous deed, the descendants of Israel would have been lost. When she didnt see anyone chasing after him, maybe that is when the decision was made. He entered the tent of a married woman. Esther rectified this when she called for a three-day fast. In Judges 4, the Israelite army, led by General Barak and under the prophecy of Judge Deborah, planned a surprise attack against their oppressors and rescue Israel from the bonds of slavery. Note that the death of Sisera was unusual because the general of the Canaanite army lost his life by the hands of a woman, which in the culture of the Ancient Near East, was considered to be the greatest humiliation a soldier could ever experience. Jael, however, offered refuge to a fleeing enemy general, NOT ritual hospitality. She is the only female judge, the only one to be called a prophet, and the only one described as performing a judicial function. Jael was married to a Kenanite named Heber, a man descended from Jethro (Moses father-in-law of the Midianites). There is no doubt that he was bigger and very much stronger than Jael. The woman lost her will to live due to her insurmountable shame. He sees our potential in Him, which is why it is important that we dont disqualify ourselves from going towards the things that we know that He has called us be, do or have. It may not be in line with our idea of perfect timing, however He is not a man that He should lie;" His word does not return to Him void but accomplishes what He pleases (Isaiah 55:11). Ch.1.4: CHARACTERISTICS OF LIFE. [18] Jael, along with Ehud, is an example in Judges of the contrast between marginal heroes and well-armed enemies conquered by wit and stealth. With great distress, she went straight to Elisha for help, not even mentioning it to her husband. If you want to share this resource with others, please share the link to the blog post. The Kenites, being Nomadic, lived near Jericho but moved south to the region of Negev. She took a leave of absence, and stayed with her parents for awhile, leaving the husband to travel hundreds of miles to fetch her back. 1.6 Mary's Faith Held Strong. 1 Characteristics of Mary, Mother of Jesus. She was judge of Israel at that time. Jael specifically pitched their tents under a sacred oak tree in Zaananim, paying homage to her priestly Israeli ancestors, and thus consecrated it as holy ground. The story of Jael in the Bible is short but it is power-packed with lessons about spiritual warfare. 4 and 5), who inspired the Israelites to a mighty victory over their Canaanite oppressors (the people who lived in the Promised Land, later Palestine, that Moses spoke of before its conquest by the Israelites); the "Song of Deborah" (Judg. Judges 5:7 distinctly describes her leadership as of a maternal variety: she nourishes Israel; she does not try to adopt a man's hardness or masculinity. A woman who was married to a mercenary and opportunist, but herself was faithful to the Israel nation and to God. 5), putatively composed by her, is perhaps the oldest section of the . Jewish Women's Archive,, Bertie also mentions "Jael, wife of Heber" in. She, very quickly, formed a plan and used what was available, what she had at hand. Blessed Among Women. There Barak found Sisera lying dead on the ground, with the tent peg through the side of his head, God defeated King Jabin of Canaan for the Israelites. Jael's story lets us know sometimes a girl has to slay the giants in her life, using whatever crude tools are available. Therefore, the prospect of a woman being able to kill an experienced commander of an army was a strange one. The chief man of the household could only offer ritual hospitality meaning he had to protect and care for the guest, even at the expense of everyone else belonging to his household. She may have just been trying to delay him so that anyone pursuing him could catch up. Abigail showed great wisdom in acting quickly, swiftly, and speaking honorably to David. Explore the world's faith through different perspectives on religion and spirituality! And while he was dying, Sisera said to Jael, "Behold pain has taken hold of me, Jael, and I die like a woman. When Sisera got to her tent she invited him in and he entered without fear because there was peace between Jabinand the house of Heber. Something to consider:The devil whispered in my ear, Youre not strong enough to withstand the storm. Today I whispered in the devils ear, I am the storm.. Zondervan Publishers, 1967. We need only to skip ahead in the Bible to the life of Jesus to read more stories of rules broken. All rights reserved. Easton's Bible Dictionary (New and reviseded.). ", And Jael said to him, "Go, boast before your father in hell and tell him that you have fallen into the hands of a woman. Copyright 2022 Nina Dafe. Remember the story of Lot and the angels? I will make Sisera, his chariots, and his army come to the Kishon River. Her family made and sold tools in farming, some domestic tools and weapons as well. So when God said that Barak and Israel would defeat the Canaanite army, Deborah believed God. Step 2 declare three integers x, y & z. Others see her as a model of courage and power, a woman who risked her life to do the will of God, who shattered role expectations, and invites all of us to greater freedom. Deborahs prophesy was fulfilled in that a woman did indeed defeat Israels enemy. In God's good design, men are rulers and fighters; they bear the responsibility of providing . But only the chief man of the household could offer ritual hospitality. 1.3 Mary was not Loud and Boastful. If Jaels husband were to catch her alone with Sisera, he could accuse her of adultery and have her stoned to death. She was Jewish, but as Mordecai had recommended, she never exposed her ethnicity or family background. Her campsite must have been close to the battlefield because her family was making and supplying weapons for the army. Jael or Yael (Hebrew: Yl) is a heroine in the Hebrew Bible's Book of Judges who delivers Israel from the army of King Jabin of Canaan.After Barak demurs at the behest of the prophetess Deborah, God turns Sisera over to Jael, killing him by driving a tent peg through his skull after he enters her tent near the great tree in Zaanannim near Kedesh. Have you ever read any of Davids prayers? Jael was a woman in the Bible who helped the Israelites subdue Jabin the Canaanite king by single-handedly killing the commander of his army, Sisera. On hearing Gods word, she sent for a man named Barak and told him that the Lord wanted him to gather ten thousand men and go to war against Sisera, the commander of Jabins army. Shenk,, Jael Wife of Heber The Kenite: Midrash and Aggadah, Tamar Kadari, When I was 39, I became pregnant in the darkest part of our 21 years of marriage. He commanded Jael to watch over the tent and tell any inquirers that no one was there. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. [17] Parallels between the details of Jael's actions and Ehud's assassination of Eglon have led van Wijk-Bos to propose Jael as killing Sisera in a manner similar to his conquering army's use of rape. Come in. For with God all things are possible. The Lord will allow a woman to defeat Sisera (Judges 4:9). But, any job God gives us to do He will pour out the courage and ability to do it. [16] Biblical commentaries have viewed Jael as either a heroine or someone much less so. The Deceptions Of Jael. That would put him to sleep, a very deep sleep. The story of the Bethlehem woman and Lots daughters are only two among thousands of similar stories during this time. Take in and use energy , do work, produce waste 3. So the Israelites became stronger and stronger until they defeated King Jabin of Canaan. One point to notice is that Sisera went into Jaels tent, not the tent of her husband. Jael was the typical woman taking care of the daily affairs of her home. The Canaanite men kidnap the Bethlehem wife, brutally beat, torture, gang-rape her, and leave her for dead. Jabin's army was led by Sisera (Judg. In her free time youll probably find her writing, lifting, or doting on her handsome cat. He asserted that we should not be content to see our sins simply fleeing from us; we should be ready to pursue them and then to drive them into the grounddeadwith a nail, the way Jael did. Here are a few tips for when you find yourself in a battle with the enemy of your soul. Jael was the wife of Heber the Kenite. Barak said to her, If you will go withme, I will go. She was sympathetic and understanding even when the situation around her was difficult. This ordinary woman does something extra-ordinary, and shows herself to be a willing, and committed, chosen instrument for God. A mighty warrior, judge, prophetess, and minstrel. So on that day God subdued Jabin king of Canaan in the presence of the children of Israel. When Sisera asked for a drink of water and Jael instead gave him prized goat milk, she was offering the best of the house, setting his mind at ease and allowing him to feel safe from his enemies. "[14][15] According to Herbert Lockyer she may have acted out of practical necessity. But if you will not go withme, I will not go. I will go with you,she said, but you will receive nohonor on the road you are aboutto take, because the Lord willsell Sisera into a womans hand.Judges 4:8, 9. Lockyer, Herbert. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. As a Judge in Israel, it was her obligation to save the Israelites from their enemies and restore peace and prosperity to the land. He was willing to give up his daughters than hand over his guests to the men of Sodom. By Jaels one act, she saves Israel from oppression, reverses the traitorious bedmates of Israel with Canaan, demolishes the law of rape under the guise of hospitality, saves her own reputation, becomes a woman warrior in her own right, and fulfills Deborahs prophecy. I heard the Lord say, your little girls name is Jael, she will be a symbol of the bondage I will break in your marriage. If I asked most people to think of a warrior woman mentioned in Judges 4 and 5, I am pretty sure that most minds would go straight to Deborah. Jezebel Who was Jezebel? Barak and his men defeated Siseras army, but Sisera left his chariot and ran away on foot, ran away to the tent where a woman named Jael lived. Yael plays an important role in the story of Israel's wars with the Canaanites, described in the Book of Judges. She will be blessed above all women (Judges 5:24) because of her heroic act. She lives in rural North Central Missouri with her handsome and hilarious husband and a myriad of dogs, cats and chickens. Be patient, and wait for the opportune time when God will use you, while staying faithful and steadfast to His laws and commands. (Gen. 15:18, 19). This article is part of our People from the Bible Series featuring the most well-known historical names and figures from Scripture. Jael probably had her own tent separate from her husbands living quarters. (LogOut/ If you are a Bible study teacher, you are free to allow this content to influence the lessons you teach or the sermons you present. Her grieving husband cuts her body up into twelve pieces, and sends it out to the 12 tribes of Israel as a stark reminder of the lust and violence that were the Canaanites, and to severely warn them against co-habiting with such mongrels. Deborah does accompany Barak, an Israelite general, to fight the Canaanites. 2. Jaels people were at peace with his. Heber mistakenly assumes that the Canaanites have the military advantage; he forgets that God is on Israels side. 4 Ways the Parable of the Sower Encourages Spiritual Growth. You are not a second-class citizen, and you have the right to assert Gods will. Terms of Use: The contents of this blog post are restricted to your personal use only. In short, Jael wasn't going to miss. Sisera was in flight and Barak in pursuit. Lessons from Deborah in the Bible (characteristics and leadership qualities), 20 Free Christian Coloring Pages printables for adults and children . Whatever her motive was for killing Sisera the Israelites celebrated her as a national heroine. (Judges 5:24-27) She would have had no settled home, moving from place to place as a way of obtaining food, finding pasture for livestock, or otherwise making a living. Jal was an ally by blood of the Israelitish nation; [Sisera, the general of] their chief oppressor, who had mightily oppressed them for the space of twenty years, now lay defenseless before her; and he was, moreover, one of those whom Israel was bound by the command of Jehovah to extirpate. But if you will not go with me, I will not go, But because of your attitude, you will not be honored when Sisera is defeated. Jael followed the law of God in murdering a general of a Canaanite symbolic of taking away the oppression of the land and returning back to the Law of God, and not choosing to follow the unquestionable law the of hospitality that led only to abuse, oppression, detriment, and horror to women. And Sisera had no reason to be. This event in Jaels life reveals a series of lessons, the first of which is that God will always fulfil His word. She realizes that her womanhood is actually a strength to be leveraged in her leadership, not a weakness to be discarded. Everything we do should be for the sake of honoring and bringing glory to God. They were familiar to the Israelites through the connection of Jethro to Moses, and their skill as metalworkers was welcomed wherever they camped. It is believed they served customers wherever they traveled in the way of metalworkers. Since the tent she was staying in was a womans tent, there were no weapons nearby. They therefore cried out to the Lord who sent His answer via Deborah, a judge and prophetess. T. Nelson and Sons. Be our patron for as little as one dollar a month:, The Passion of the Christ and the Theory of Everything, Stars and fractals: the many hearts of wisdom, How the Bible relates to Homer like Ape to Dog, How circumcision created the modern world, The many Hebrew roots of the Greek language. The name Jael means "mountain goat". Step 5 store result of step 4 to z. There is no way that she could win a physical fight with him. The story of Jael is quite an usual one. That is why Sisera ran to Jaels tent (Judges 4:17) because he believed that he would be safe there. Despite this, once Jael saw that he was in a deep sleep, she took a tent peg and hammer, crept over to Sisera and drove the peg into his temple- so far that it went down into the ground. [5] Heber lived approximately during the 12th century BC in the Hula Valley (anciently known as Zaanaim) of northern Israel during the time of the Israelite judges. If she did not act, women would continue to be raped and tortured by their guests. If she did not act, she would miss the only chance of aligning herself with the Israelite conquerors. The name Delilah in Hebrew means "weak; poor.". It may not look the way we expect it to, and it can take a lot of trust to act when we dont feel well-equipped. Reminiscent of the Egyptians plight in the parting of the Red Sea, the Canaanites are slaughtered, with Sisera being the lone survivor. But who would have thought that these tent-making tools could become such terrible murder weapons? She was the wife of Israelite King Ahab. The country seems to be confused about censorship, free speech, and any An American in Amman: A U.S. Deborah went on to tell Barak to gather his men for the battle, and Barak responded this way: If you will go with me, I will go, but if you will not go with me, I will not go. Judges 4:8, Photo Courtesy: Wikimedia Commons, Public Domain. Heber, Jaels husband, had a good relationship with the Caananites and thats why Sisera felt comfortable to find refuge in their camp. Who was Melchizedek and Why was He so Important? Women of the Bible, Jean E. Syswerda, Zondervan Publishers, 1999. Her right hand to the workmens hammer; From the time Sisera entered Jaels camp, each of her moves were calculated and strategic. Even when we dont feel skilled or equipped or prepared, He ensures that we are for the sake of His glory. She used the resources given to her in this situation by God. During the Wife of Bath's Prologue, and whilst discussing her fifth husband's "book of wikked wives", Chaucer mentions some wives who "han drive nailes in hir brain, / Whil that they slepte, and thus they had hem slain. Josephus, Flavius. A woman who rose from obscurity to greatness, and becomes synonymous with the likes of other well-known tentdwellers: Sarah, Hagar, Leah and Rachel. The common jackal's face is brown or red with white shades across its cheeks and throat. She Was a Reincarnation of Eve and Yael Through feeding her husband the forbidden fruit, Eve introduced death into the world. At her feet he sank, he fell; All the Women of the Bible. 1.4 Mary, the Mother of Jesus, was Obedient. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. [3] However, the Hebrew phrase translated this way could also mean "a woman of the group of the Kenites". A godly woman, she understood the will of God and submitted to it. [citation needed] According to Jack Sasson, there are reasons to doubt whether the events narrated in Judges 4 ever occurred. 4:2). Patheos has the views of the prevalent religions and spiritualities of the world. Judges 4 and 5. Abagail was kind and intelligent. She was a tent-making woman. Most Blessed is Jael among women, indeed. After Barak demurs at the behest of the prophetess Deborah, God turns Sisera over to Jael, killing him by driving a tent peg through his skull after he enters her tent near the great tree in Zaanannim near Kedesh. Folktales are thus . There is no need to wait for someone else to fight your battles- Jael didnt. She brought him cream in a lordly dish. If she did not act, she probably would have been raped by a vicious Canaanite man. She disarmed him with her words of reassurance. The Israelites and Kenites were always friendly to one another. Still, for a meaning of the name Jael, both BDB Theological Dictionary and NOBSE Study Bible Name List read Mountain Goat. A . This enabled the Israelite army to defeat the Canaanites one person at a time. They lived in tents and moved about in order to find work. The railways and other public transportation systems, such as their trains and buses, for instance, are orderly and also extremely efficient and punctual. You will have that defining moment in your life, just like Jael did, where you will be used mightily to further His kingdom. 27 Activists Speaking: Jael Kerandi Service Join the Pace Center as we host Jael Kerandi, former student activist and current social justice advocate for a focused conversation on her journey as a student fighting against police brutality to her sucessful financial advocacy career. She was nowhere near ready for a battle of any kind. The king, trusting Ehud, obliges. Sometimes in spiritual warfare, we can mistake our spouse, children, friends, family, and coworkers for the enemy. Jael was no match for him, neither in size nor military strategy. Eve means 'life-bearer'. What can we learn from Jael? Camels are used as draft and saddle animals in desert regions of Africa, Arabia, and Asia. She also accepted Hegai's advice on what to was to request before going in to see the king (Esther 2:15). (The other Prophetess' are: Sarah, Deborah, Hannah, Abigail, and Esther . Jael could have easily been included in Hebrews chapter eleven, the so-called Hall of Faith because she was a heroine who snatched victory out of the jaws of defeat in helping Israel defeat a much larger, more experienced, and far superior Canaanite army during the time called the time of the Judges.. Unfortunately, Heber falls into the same trap as did the nation of Israel, and enjoys the riches and spoils of the land, compromising his integrity and beliefs to do so. The Pharaohs Daughter Moses Adoptive Mother,,,,,,,,,,,, It went against everything she knew about hospitality, something hugely important to her culture at the time. No matter how difficult or threatening the situation, God's power within us is greater than we can ever fully see or comprehend. She was discerning in confronting David and kept him out of sin. On the day Sisera died, Deborah and Barak honor Jael with song: Jael is most blessed of women,the wife of Heber the Kenite,she is most blessed amongtent-dwelling women.Judges 5:24. She is confident. Deborah started the battle to defeat the enemy of Israel and Jael finished it. Incidentally, this historic ground was located in Nephtali a land set apart for fleeing inhabitants of the 12 tribes of Israel. You have the right to your own mind, no matter what your husband says and does, or where he takes you. Step 1 Start. The Kenites were a Nomadic tribe of people who lived near Canaan. Adam is Adham, meaning 'dust of the earth'. Thus, Jael is not guilty of failing to provide hospitality. Sisera appears to have gone into Jaels tent, at her beckoning, instead of her husband Hebers tent. If anyone comes by and asks you, Is anyone in there? say, No (Judges 4:20) But Jael found a tent peg and a hammer. The prophet Isaiah describes the judgment upon Judah this way: "Infants are their oppressors, and women rule over them" ( Isaiah 3:12 ). Because God has a million ways to solve one problem. She manipulated the trust that Sisera had for her. She drove a tent peg through his temple. Sisera was a warrior. Your imperfections and disadvantages do not disqualify you from doing something great for God. `` Jael, however, another XYZ Burgers franchise opened just down the street Jael! In acting quickly, swiftly, and shows herself to be a willing and... Youre not strong enough to withstand the storm do Should be for the enemy takes you one person at time. He slept, she went straight to Elisha for help, not even it... That he was bigger and very much stronger than Jael in spiritual.. Assumes that the Canaanites are slaughtered, with Sisera, he fell ; the... The women of the epi- and endo-benthos apart for fleeing inhabitants of.... 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Pages printables for adults and children anyone in there ( New and reviseded. ) point... Feel skilled or equipped or prepared, he could accuse her of adultery and her..., Arabia, and characteristics of jael her for dead NOBSE study Bible name List mountain. It to her insurmountable shame the will of God and submitted to it moves calculated! No way that she could win a physical fight with him and fighters ; they bear responsibility!, meaning & # x27 ; s gory death qualities, positive or negative, do we demonstrated! Baroque period, Jael wasn & # x27 ; s Faith Held.. Descendants of Israel and chickens use cookies to ensure that we give you the best on... Fruit, Eve introduced death into the world a willingness to work hard need... Nowhere near ready for a battle with the Caananites and thats why Sisera felt comfortable to find in., an Israelite general, to fight your battles- characteristics of jael didnt are recognizable by their.... 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