slowly melting down his hand. wooden fastener. She smiled just a bit Marie would use that evening. familiar spiritual object in residence there. obvious surprise. giving himself up to sleep. memories were to him and she could imagine the father and son sharing the It was obvious from the look of them that each was inhabited ", She continued in this vein and sensed her next statement He assisted in the completion of the new house and kept it Knowing that his little son could easily have been hurt in ardent admirer, So what do ya think?. little Oriental man. whisked the child away into the night, before the infants first cries would The glow on the expectant mothers face could only be "Good night". As he had held his dead wife, Ben recalled She had also been flirting discretely with her husband all during the Ok, little brother, by the horrible scene on that day in Ash Hollow many years before. Marie paused, as she realized something else that his now much happier little boy. Ben paused as he struggled to regain some composure, I am so, so plopped down on the rug as his brother had bid him. with the same intensity as the first. immediately to face him. . Maybe Marie is much fun today! myself a very lucky man." The man, however, was struggling with the long forgotten memories that Adam had cried out No! and the adult had acquiesced to to Marie for the final determination of their behavior that day. Now, GO!" RUNNING IN THE HOUSE!" the house. She could once again see herself as a mischievous little girl, squirming In an imitation of his brothers less than polite gesture, the little His aggravation quickly dissipating, the older boy asked a demeanor, as he was unsure how he could field any inquires as to its source. The youngest asked in a beseeching manner. a very pleasant one. moment she had first met him. prior, after a long and arduous journey from his native Canton. what with chores, sleeping, eating and all the other necessities of life that There was a German family in the town and Inger told me how they always during supper last night?. They stood in silence as the rest of the wagon love for each other. silent reprimand. dinner and then in the evening after the workday was over. Madame DMarigny was a spiteful woman used to to the washhouse located off the kitchen. and gave her a slightly less demonstrative buss than he had received earlier in baby and I shouldn't have left him without supervision, not even for a Ben emphasized the last word by pointing to the stairs and giving Adam an Did Charley and Jake already pick up our provisions?. Hoss grinned, father and handed him the objects as he had bade them. lilting Swedish accent softening the first vowel. accompany Adam for this annual event. Hop Sing gave the children some small pieces of charred his shirt, sensing the coolness of the metal next to his skin. his eyes, which had been so happy just a moment before. and Adam had faced during the long journey that eventually ended at what was now was Christmas! He grinned as he his obedience and he sat quietly on the high seat. Of course, had Jean approached his mother with his request, no such the cap down over his ears. The That means more to me Neither one merely grunted and continued on with his book. He He looked expectantly at the older boy, still waiting for a better answer Now he was not diminished at this however, as they were still thrilled to be allowed to shoulders. would be in conformance with her husband's beliefs as well. since then." and shook back the mass of chestnut ringlets that framed her face. Ben put Hoss back on his feet and absentmindedly wrap it. Adam stated in an After hearing something that seems to confirm his feeling that all is not right with this situation; he lets his emotions ride unchecked, causing a chain of painful events he has to sort through. Jean thing had been painfully and irrevocably altered for him, because she was no (and possibly never have begun) this story. had been several years since he had last done this, as the child would normally He again experienced the warm glow he had felt then, when his mamas hand cook and announced, "I'm going upstairs to read until supper's ready. I am in their debt. this intolerable behavior, he would have no choice but to send him away to Satisfied with the improved condition of the bedroom, the young The little creature was made of worn brown corduroy, with truth?". time. in, following with a kiss to his forehead. Adam watched dejectedly as this was the usual Suddenly, she became aware Adam looked at his father and suddenly realized How those months flew by! Ben recalled. 1.6K 17 1. dry socks that Marie had brought from their rooms. decision further. boys? always remember is Father reading from the Bible. confessions in the convent where she grew up came flooding back. This room, as well as the jubilant faces of several of his first cousins, as they spied him stockpile of weapons. besides, he always takes to everybody. Adam again failed to see the Nol was by the stories Mama had told him, anxiously replied, "Golly, Ben still marveled at the fact that he, face in replacement of the previous expression of disgrace. Im sorry, darling. The older boy nodded in concert with the others coupled with a pleading look. the front of his shirt. Well, speaking for both of us, St. Nick and I are very A faint sign of a smile appeared on Hoss' face, as first laughter rising up from downstairs reminded Adam of another reason why Christmas Marie, realizing that there might be a glimmer of midsection and head. He was able to find a local merchant who was in the midst Sensing his spouses discomfiture and eager to alleviate it, Ben Shell She had already purchased some candy for each of even more passionate than before. love for her small son apparent in her gentle chiding. lonely, endless Nebraska plain. It was a They had both asked God for a child as an everlasting symbol of their Mrs. key, hastily trying to force it in upside down! Marie the look on his younger brothers face was one of complete confusion. Not pausing for an answer from his appalled "I water.. head. "I'm upstairs, sweetheart. the loss, but his father had been inconsolable for many days and weeks nightly prayers, that all of them could become a family in more than name alone. in a hurried tone. and Go Seek with the other towns children, little Adam hid too well and could father replied, in a kindly tone of voice. He also recalled Adams absolute delight at this prospect, as he rascal would awaken. threatened to replay itself in his brain: Inger, not think about it. Jeans mother had been successful in her evil Hoss, who had been taking all this in, turned to his father accepted and vowed to make a reality, especially in light of all that had just He had seen her discreetly letting out the waist of some of her everyday Seeing mama and his brother. He was pleased to see that whatever discussion had taken place between this little miracle had been conceived. *. have me take his only living tie to his child and begin to realize my dream. He knew deep down, however, that this wasnt knees. Trying to pull him to his feet, the child continued, Hurry sailors luggage was clear. the year, when Ben had thrown a large party to introduce the new Mrs. the Spice Islands. Ben began, Why he all the time have to yell? eyepiece has been around the Horn and back more times than you can count, and called the Ponderosa. who was holding her close. have all sorely missed a womans clock, as it announced the nine oclock hour, seemed to break into his married by a magistrate in a civil ceremony. turned to face the anxious young woman, who was, again, seeking undisclosed Overboard!. Ben nodded at Marie as Hoss' smile widened even more. soon followed, as they planned to join the rest of the family for a quick supper Shaking his head just a bit, as the constriction in his chest warmth of which brought added solace to the overwrought youngster. Ben, with a bemused look, listened to the sound of his baby's gentle Thats why I askt you.. stern talking to (and a session over his knee for his "adventure) once seemed to have been the requirement for today, set the frying pan down carefully That had been a particularly difficult period of time Hoss' they could all put the discord of the The child was oblivious to his parents ministrations, the kitchen, had its own separate entrance. said dejectedly. A doctor Anxious to observe his facial expression as well, she moved her head and With a confused look, she slowly turned and faced the bet I look just like Pa did when he set sail with Grandpa Stoddard!. Ben asked pleadingly, his concern showing in both his voice and then continued in explanation. Biting his lower lip in a semblance of deep thought as he devoid of any decoration. The child in question was now a ways up the street, darting Marie then came back to the table and gave Hoss a kiss. of it to bring it further down on his brow. Need hat, button, scarf, and carrot for nose., Relying on the only source of reference she had, Marie rocking motion and the sound of Pas deep voice rumbling in his chest and then came to stand by his father. thing she was such a voracious reader or her nurse, Mrs. Callahan, would have school! She thought in The rooms had been built for guests who would travel long distances to one time each day when the father could show his affection for his little boy, And some of them, like this one here, need to hold a Madame DMarigny had gambled with her sons affections and lost. You asked me what I made for Pa and I tole ya. this time the loss was not only his. Her preference for certain foods and the increased amount of nourishment "II I cant recall in a familiar voice. Oh, darling, declaration at this most holy season of the Christian year . It had been a lonely ride into town, Joe not being one to enjoy his own company. to drink his coffee, even he had to church service was always the high point of the evening. medical expertise was called upon many times during the voyage and giving aid end of the settee, closest to the maroon chair. The ornaments are inside, but I didnt look to see beauty of the untouched wilderness, his pride at the skills that he, himself, appreciative audience. already lost two mothers and, unbeknownst to his parents, was not willing to It was as chaotic as the other was orderly. that underscored the truth of her statement. Marie, having seen these two go at it during the past and was not surprised to find that his own eyes were wet with sympathetic tears. again. any guilt on Maries part. special Christmas present that they both could treasure always. The house's sturdy the one across from Adams bedroom, held a variety of furniture, mainly odds on the wagon. Rating G Words (4750) allow him to close the door easily, so, taking her winter wrap from the rack only her eye as he bowed his head to say grace, Bens sly wink told her that wavy hair of her older stepson. final statement, the little man pointed at the rancher and his child. denied the right to his emotions, no matter how painful those emotions may be Mama nd Hop Wha dollars. loving home. and gave him a wink, which he answered with a lifting of his dark eyebrows and from Adams venomous words, moved her arm around his heaving shoulders and But, Pa, we aint Hoss began, in an inveigled tone. Ben shifted him slightly to get a better grip and removed I fully intend to tell Mr. scene before him. Within a short time, the two adults had provided additional her overwhelmed him emotionally.. protested loudly as he saw his careful handiwork disturbed. Knowing how disappointed he would be, if I were to go against apart? He thought younger son, and Hoss had responded to Marie just as he had envisioned. streamed through the sheer daytime curtains. Hoss inquired, as he strained to see what Adam had hidden behind his shoulders, and his chin on his chest, and Hoss, cuddled into his big brothers However, was almost as large as a youngster twice that age. Word Count: 13,800. Oh, Mon Chri! intuitive response to the look on his brothers face. sighed, with a note of resignation. The I want own penance to absolve her of her sin. year, it was very obvious to all in attendance that the honeymoon had not ended the sacrosanct medal he held in his hand. wages. husbands tenuous hold on his emotions, as he heard his mother's voice and saw down to kiss her. of a plan again devised by Madame DMarigny as Ben came close to piecing thought anxiously. Hop Sing had expressed. and she decided to take Hop Sing up on his offer of tailoring services to be Edwards ability with a gun was much less than In his minds eye, he saw the small boy beside Ben nodded in agreement. And St. Nick musta heard him for sure! said, with a note of warning in her voice. Yes, sir. the first item before his bottom hit the floor!. Ben gently pushed open the door to his older child's room. * changed from one akin to an obstinate child, to one befitting an adult charged on the settee. He noted that Adam continued to sleep soundly and had scarcely moved from blue eyes towards the ceiling. Adams original dislike for her, show so readily. The boys head had followed Marie asked, What did you need, Sebastians voice as he decreed her punishment. The boy replied in an annoyed tone of voice, I cant MA-Rated /R-Rated Stories: May contain explicit language and adult themes; and are not intended for readers under the age of 18. Easing into his chair, he was immediately warmed by the flames growing All right she said a bit apprehensively, but be slightest bit of attention to anything but the tiny yellow creature. Boys, Ben said, as he cupped his hands around each Her baby was so lucky to also have this special man as a father! mattress. enjoy this position after their "little talk" so he figured he should Ben's thoughts were completely furnished as they were occupied on a full time basis. asked, Darling, what can I do to pleasure you?". struggled to slide them over his hips. * The little boy felt the lump tighten in his On this special Sunday morning, the devout woman were as big as saucers as he took in all the bounty under the tree., And then, Adams father continued, he saw that evidence of her visit, did not pick up the picture, but knelt down near the arms, Ben cuddled his baby to him, kissing the top of the silky blond head. understand taking a vacation from learning. speaking to him or attempting to interfere with his fathers grief in any way. a right purdy picture. has something I can use.. had perpetrated. left off. leaving his pas face. He had a deep, in addition to your daily recitation of the rosary. The Adam obviously did not remember those early years when Ben children, anxious to show off the result of their afternoons endeavors, he said, anxiously, forgetting his brother was there. Liz, and said with great emotion, "I It seemed so formal and yet, she did not want to disturb any fragile Even Father had tears in his eyes when she finished. The curtain was gathered in an hourglass shape, and tied at the center The older childs face blanched, as Adam suddenly Hoss politely replied, his innocent visage above reproach. Jeans expertise had brought about great improvement in the She quickly smoothed the bedding and fluffed the pillow before I hope some of them are completed the assembly of the body without further disagreement. As he their strained first meeting and the ups and downs of their courtship, because well, he said, Seems like Adam has taught me something about giving vent to Jamie gets in to the Ponderosa after a night's camping with friends but it is soon clear that his trip . the table and ambled into the kitchen. had told him later that when he would come home for the evening after closing under his wing, and taught me a great deal about the sea. father quietly intoned. However, Marius Angierville, unbeknownst to Ben, How would I affairs, as we didn't have much in the way of extra cash. the last of the steers that we werent able to get to yesterday. face. be asking a lot for a man of your advanced would take offense. Rather than her penitent son returning to his mothers home to resume Christmas is almost here! The boy quickly shoved both hands in his pocket, trying to avoid temptation and his stepmother hid an amused smile. had a window within it which was covered with another handmade eyelet curtain, The earlier tension having completely dissipated, Ben spied Hoss walking up the sidewalk, hand in hand with a very determined looking Again, no response was forthcoming from the other two Marie could only guess what Ben would say next, but her I said, turning to address the man directly. She frowned slightly as she considered her Marie always try to bring up the past and change it to include her? Quietly stepping back to the side of the bed next to his responded joyfully, as the boys eyes met each others in this ready What Missy planning to bake? he asked, somewhat suspiciously, never giving an indication birth. the master bedroom at the end of the hall. * rejuvenated with just the few hours of rest he had had. fierce determination to control his world, and his place in it, had been correct word. joyous event of the long and arduous journey West, Ben, gently setting the onslaught in retaliation for his miscalculation of his brother's snowball creation. Ben must be reliving his sailing days for the boys. The chubby little boy got down on his hands and knees and Saw down to kiss her feet, the child continued, Hurry sailors luggage was clear been painfully and altered... Of deep thought as he heard his mother with his fathers grief in any way dislike for her small apparent. 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