rife machine testimonials

An MRI didn't show anything. This was some slow healing. She's so excited! It's been just over two weeks and I'm walking pretty well. It uses the older handheld electrode technology - so beware. I tried using the migraine program at first, with the pads on my hands and it did not work. There are many things too long to go into detail here sometimes all that was needed was one treatment, whereas sometimes two. We have not suffered with colds this year and my mom has not had problems with her lungs. Cancer cell proliferation is inhibited by specific modulation frequencies. Thanks - Mary Ann W. My friend's bought a Rife 101 in May 2015 for the husband's multiple myeloma and I'd just like to report that they are thrilled. AND, my mother-in-law was emotionally abusive. Shoulder Pain, Boil, Heart, COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease). They said it was pre-cancerous. I used the sticky pad electrodes. Thanks for the packet full of info in the mail too. - C. Kraeft (7-18-16), My friend referred me to Tina as she had spots of breast cancer and the Rife 101 cleared it up. Our kitty would lay on the electrode pads and purr through the entire protocol. The cancer was spread throughout his entire digestive tract. It's been about a week now and I've continued to run the Prostate program about 7x along with the Inflammation program 4x. There is a mutation of the Staphylococcus called 'MRSA', which does not respond to antibiotic treatment. Eyes, Cataracts, Glaucoma, Eye Glasses & Asthma: I got the Rife Model 101 machine to help with my eyes and lungs. When I got up the next morning all the pain upon touching this bruise was gone; It worked on bug bites I got on my arm just as fast and I didn't itch at all and there was no redness. Thanks so much for your quick, hassle-free response, and thank you too for making doubly sure we could "get up and running" again & fast! Rife machines can be used to treat multiple diseases and ailments and work by emitting low-frequency waves into the He is still quite unwell but getting a slight improvement with each treatment. I must admit when I purchased it I was a little skeptical in doing so but I said, "It comes with a 60 day money back guarantee I could always send it back". Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in Wrist and Hand: My dad was an auto mechanic, always using his hands, and developed severe Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. I tried everything my alternative MD suggested including acupuncture, herbs, and supplements, but I saw no improvement. Arthritis, Diabetes, Pain, Cellulitis & Infection: Me, my mom & dad, and sister have all seen benefits in 5 months since getting our Rife 101 systems. Candida, Parasites, PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder): I LOVE my Rife Model 101 machine!! - A.G. (7/31/09), Hi, just a few notes of gratitude. His soreness/pain comes from overuse, similar to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. 84 minerals from the sea, matching your body's profile to energize your life! He hooked up the electrodes and ran the Inflammation program for me and, I swear I experienced immediate relief. We're really excited! I saw stars and at first thought I broke my wrist. I decided to try the Rife 101 along with chiropractic adjustments to the upper cervical region of my head and neck area. My dear friends husband has had a bout with incurable (Apendiceal Mucinous Neoplasm). They definitely were worth the investment. I had to get up myself VERY VERY slowly. Evidently, it had fallen off my lap and slipped under the recliner. They used customer testimonials and anecdotal evidence to support claims about the machine. WebWe are the leader in Rife Technology. WebRIFE MACHINE BLOG -Testimonials: Welcome! I haven't been able to see for years. (They'll have to share!). All gone with the Rife 101. But to feel the remarkable relief of pain and symptoms of the conditions mentioned is enough to make me a believer. I went to the doctor for the itching and he gave me a cream that did nothing for it. I spoke to the original friend who had shared his Rife machine and I found out his wife no longer had ocular cancer from using it, so we got one. I immediately hooked myself to the machine and ran the cold sore and herpes (cold sores are a form of herpes) programs. Thank you so very, very much! The electromagnetic frequency they emit is very weak, sometimes too weak to even penetrate the skin. 1 review. I believe that is what I had. I had to have shots directly into my neck every few months just to be able to speak coherently. My sister who believes in a holistic way of life, met a man who introduced her into the Rife 101 machine. They all improved over the next few weeks. WITH treatment he would probably live 2 years. Every night. I even took it with us to the Grand Canyon! He lives in Florida. It changed my life. That's the name I gave it. Liver Cancer, Lupus, Prostate, Thyroid (Hashimoto's Disease): I'm writing to say how very happy we are with our Rife machine! This was happening daily even though it was only partial fecal incontinence that she was experiencing. Nerve Pain & Herniated Discs I have used the Live Wires to address the Nerve Pain on the bottom of my left foot, and the frequent pain in my lower back caused by Herniated discs in the Lumbar Region. The doctors continue to be amazed. He started using the Rife machine about twice weekly for three months. I'm almost 90 years old, and I've been using many different Rife machines for 30 years. WebRIFE MACHINE BLOG -Testimonials: Welcome! Great health benefits can be attained by using LEDs, such as better eyesight and clearing up many skin condition. Its a God-send!! I wanted to thank you for sending Mom the influenza program on New Years Eve! He didn't want to try alternatives but I persuaded him to and told him I'd pay the cost. He starts with the Detox program & Cancer-all program in the morning then Prostate program & Cancer-all program at night. It is also very beneficial to re-set normal cell frequencies. I call it my doctor machine! TrueRife has been on the leading edge of frequency delivery devices for almost 20 years. In the 1990s, people began selling Rife machines as part of a multilevel marketing scheme. My only hesitation in giving the Rife 101 full credit is that, for a day or two (and not overnight) I put a tight wrap around that elbow. Remarkable results! It's been a year, no more painful shots and my voice is stronger than ever. Marty P. (NW, 6/2015), In April I was diagnosed with pneumonia. - R Sommers, KS (9-10-19). After an EKG and a few other tests, I was told I had an infection in my chest cavity and was to go home and rest. I only had the two small spots and they never even really blistered. WebMy chiropractor said the Rife 101 was "the best Rife machine, by far" and lent me his Rife 101 frequency generator, and after just 2-3 days running the Prostate program, there was a noticible difference! Tick Bite, Lyme, Parasites, Constipation, Colon Pain & Menstrual Cramps: The Rife machine is one of the most worthwhile purchases I have ever made. My headaches are gone. WebThe GB4000 Rife Machine is probably next in line. Yes, we love our machine. - J. Kolkey, CA 10-22-17, Because of the diabetes in my body, I have been prone to having many infections. She continued for three days of treatments and was totally better without antibiotics!! He began using the Rife machine and it's held the PSA at bay at 1.1 since January - he's thrilled it's no longer getting worse! About 1 1/2 years ago the doctors wanted to remove part of his colon and his rectum due to an infection, since their antibiotics weren't helping. It has been almost 2 months now and I had my follow up appointment this morning. She also has asthma but that hasn't seemed to bother her since we keep her on Sparky (my pro wave 101. In my little corner of the world. WebWe are the leader in Rife Technology. Now his feet are completed healed. At the welfare clinic she initially went to for lack of funds the doctor told her vehemently, "You will die if you don't have a hysterectomy!" YOU ARE AN EARTH ANGEL, AND I CANNOT THANK YOU ENOUGH. It's not just that you are there to support your customers, but you are obviously into this equipment and extremely knowledgeable about it. Colds, Hearing, Hemorrhoid Pain, Muscle Strain & Allergies: I found out about the RIFE 101 machine by visiting this web site. When the box arrived I read all the literature and followed the instructions. Primary care doctor ran more tests, rheumatologist tests were all negative and said it's probably stress. I can see my face getting clearer and the definitions of the nose and chin coming back after being bloated or swelled for years! He used the machine on BONE TRAUMA and WOUND HEALING. Cold Sores, Warts, Infection, Flu, Fever, Colds, Burns, Prostate + MORE: I have to admit that the Rife 101 machine is the bestI've owned it for over 15 months now! So glad I had my Rife 101 with me while traveling! Rife machines can be used to treat multiple diseases and ailments and work by emitting low-frequency waves into the You use the device for a few minutes a day several times a week. I started using the Rife machine and after the first session I slept great. I had a sore bump on one of my fingers that had been there for months. So, in the morning, I decided to Rife IT with the Inflammation Program hoping for some pain relief. I know I should have been on the tail end of the influenza but I really believe these programs significantly helped these last few nagging symptoms. Cold, Flu, Arthritis, Sinus, Joint Inflammation: I'm loving my Rife 101 Energy Machine! I've also been running the Nerve program, because my neuropathy is really bad, and I've been running circulation. His nurse said no one else has these results so there is something I am doing. Thanks again for your help. US. We just purchased our own! E.W. My friend had otitis (ear infection) and after just 2 sessions it was gone. top of page. I experienced a migraine for the first time in my life this year. DOI: Barbault A, et al. I drove 45 minutes to the doctor, got expensive medication, took it and it didn't help. Mary (NW, 6-2015). I just turned eighty years old June 1st. I did the other two cats soon after. These days I pretty much have come to expect such manuals to be in garbled English, written by Chinese people in China. Im a retired nurse and I have had numerous patients that had peritonitis. Along with his supplements and the help of sparky, he is doing great! Thank you. I knew as time went on that what I was witnessing was really quite archaic even though it was cast as modern. Thank you. The lady remarked that she had slept better, could smell her coffee for the first time in years (she was an allergy sufferer) and no longer liked the taste of her cigarettes - an added advantage? Congestive Heart Failure CHF, Edema, Swelling: Hello, I use my brother in law's Rife 101 machine, I was wasting away in a nursing home with, CHF feeling bloated all the time with weak and swollen knees. Jakes business prowess and outstanding customer service is second to none. The doc did a bunch of tests, even though I don't have faith in it all, and when I had my last blood test it showed, I work in a clinic with 16 people. This itching nearly drove us crazy - itching on our hands, arms, feet. I suspect they couldn't tell because I had already used the Rife 101 and was well on my way to recovery! It was suggested I put them down and be done with the problems. While forever grateful to modern medicine, doctors, friends, etc, I believe the problem could have been prevented by Rife's research. 751 Commerce Ln Kalamazoo, MI 49004. I was having some problems with degenerative arthritis and experiencing a lot of pain in my hip area. I've used it daily and the swelling has gone down. Then someone came into my life that changed everything. - T. Rappaport, FL 11-10-17. We run the Rife machine on both of them once a night and they are lively, happy and healthy. Amazing. Together they all blur the vision and interfere with my vision in my left eye. - T. Fincher, AR (11-10-11), Lyme takes over your life. That must mean it's working and killing the bad bugs. She's cancer free! However, Rife machines can vary considerably in quality and design. There have been some reports of electrical shocks and rashes. We know it's working because today we went to town and when we came home he didn't have to use the restroom so there's definitely something to this! He have found that he respond best in Plasma format for this issue. - Thank you, Violet F. I use the Rife 101 about once a week and I like it very much. Mom's been fighting cellulitis in her legs with infections and has been in the hospital for months. I thank God every day that I had the good fortune to meet someone who could help show me the way to better health. Used it at one minute for the parasite program and used 1 minute program for both my sons for acne as they are going through the 15 year old change. Update 8/27/17: Tapping the tooth is now no different than tapping any other tooth. Lower Back Pain, Leg Pain, Lymphatic Cancer, Leg Pain, Muscle Spasm & Pain: I bought my Rife 101 Energy System in May 2009. He states his two proudest achievements as a physician have been reversing his fathers stage 3 lung cancer using the Abscopal Effect, and the detection of his wifes malignant melanoma and ovarian cancers at stage zero using liquid biopsies. (5/11/14), I have nerve pain and headaches from an accident. Sending you a hug Tina Rappaport. I am a mess. Very Aggressive Small Cell Cancer in Liver, Lung & Lymph System: Just before Easter this year (2015) we bought a second Rife Model 101 for my mother-in-law the minute she was diagnosed with a very aggressive type of small cell cancer. Finally to top it all off, we have your super customer support. But no such thing with this manual, which is letter perfect, grammar perfect, and composed with the same thoughtful concern for the user as is the device itself. Now she continues to use the machine and goes for a PET scan every 4 months. I'm going to continue these programs for a few more days before I tackle my migraines. I do this to about 4 spots on my belly and the next few days I have no problems. My husband and I both used it last night, and I used it again this morning on the way to work. I lent my Rife 101 to a friend who had an abscessed tooth - very painful. It's been about a week now and I've continued to run the Prostate program about 7x along with the Inflammation program 4x. - Vera, IL (5/8/13), I am so grateful how swiftly you were in replying. Subscribe. I also had prostrate cancer and have used the RIFE machine regarding this health matter. Rife machines and other at-home electromagnetic frequency devices are not likely to cause any long-term risks. After his 1st treatment he got up from the chair and asked for peanut butter. - S. Brown, Tell your readers if they have trouble getting to sleep try the program for insomnia. However, on the third day my illness began to reverse itself. The machine has helped my heart, eyes and glands to remain in good health, as well as prevent any further loss of hearing I had been experiencing, too. I used my Rife 101 machine daily on the dog and after just a few days he was walking and jumping around like a much younger dog. I no longer feel so weak in my body and starting to feel somewhat normal. Back Surgery, Back Pain, Constipation, Allergies: I recently had back surgery (fused 4 vertabrae) that couldn't be avoided, after which I was working from home. I still need medication, but much less and with no side effects. It also removed my problems with sinuses, a bad tooth ache and a painful shin splint the doctors could not fix. I have partially torn ligaments or tendons in my right shoulder and the doctor wanted to do surgery. I would give him a 10 score of possible 10. Splurge, you and your health are worth it!- #8902, CO (10-15-20). Over the years, some owners of health clinics that promote Rife-like machines have been sued and convicted of fraud. It was a constant annoyance, and embarrassing when I was around people. Rife for saving my eye! Its a terrible thing to have, also to treat. I am sold!!! Kidney Failure, Constipation, Pain & Superior Vena Cava Syndrome: I ordered the Rife machine for kidney disease as I am on kidney dialysis three times a week. The oldest BM on record was 16 and Gator almost made it! Ive been using it for a number of years and yet still am amazed by it. Jim Adlington was bite by ticks and he got big rash on his chest. He believed that by detecting their specific electromagnetic frequency and transmitting this into a persons body, it would kill the microbes by vibrating them at a mortal oscillatory rate and cure the disease. Used the Rife 101 machine and it cleared it up in ONE session. He maintained good health and took care of health problems possibly arise. Her cancer is GONE. L. Israel, FL 6-21-19), I have very severe Lyme Disease. My face was paralyzed and it was hard to talk, I was limping and I couldn't control my right hand. What a joy to not have my head hurt! However, these frequencies are different from those the Rife machine produces. We continue to do this when things get way too stressful, and it works. I use this nightly to help treat my cancer. However, there is no scientific evidence that Rife machines can treat any disease, including cancer. She is in her early 70's and still holds a physically demanding full time job and using the rife machine has really made it so she can continue to work in this capacity. Thanks! Wayne D (3/3/07). I can't tell you how much I appreciate your personal touch in doing business. - Steve P, AZ (8/18/08). The recent one I upped my RIFE 101 usage and the biopsy came back clear. I am so thankful Mom got me the machine! I have had bad headaches all the time for years. These machines are for personal experimental purposes. I am determined to explore every avenue possible to heal her. I don't go far from my machine now as the disease has affected my immune system and it takes care of everything from colds to flu for me. I did not have to do chemo or radiation. In February 2015 he had appendicitis, which was perforated, and only treated by the hospital with massive doses antibiotics. He's not laughing anymore! - Sakina R, HI (3/12/12). I have used it every for stage four PROSTATE Cancer. The doctors say "don't use that machine". As a distinguished natural health practitioner, Dr. Yole Raam teaches people how to improve health in natural ways, such as Yoga, meditation, herbs, etc. Three years ago it his me. Her cancer tumor markers were as high as 8,000 and now are at 100. Spooky2 Success Story - Bob Tompkins: Immediate Relief after Running Spooky2 Biofeedback Results, This is shared by Spooky2 user Bob Tompkins. This machine is just incredible. I went to the eye doctor Dec. 23, about three months after starting on the Rife machine. The machine uses technology that makes common sense. I am sure that the only reason I am alive is because of this machine. My sleep feels deeper and more restful. My nerves were shot. Overall, it is very effective as well as does a good job getting risd of cancer as well as parasites. He has been "shaking free" for over one month now using the device 2 times each week. Some people use Rife machines because they believe cancer is caused by bacteria and viruses. Sometimes the connective tissue can get inflamed and I had been under stress and traveling, lifting suitcases, etc. - J Maroney, FL (8/22/19). I learned of your Rife 101 machine from friends who were into herbs and natural healing. The Rife 101 took it away in a few minutes. Yes they work! I'm off Prozac and the Lithium kicker I was using for so long. When I found out that my son-in-law had it following a huge abdominal abscess, I knew I had to go and help out with not only his many abdominal dressings but also with my Rife 101. I'm 77 now and I had fungal sinusitis, recurring bronchial problems - I got pneumonia real easy. Thank the Lord for a great machine!!! We are the leader in Rife Technology. I used the setting for headaches and now no more headaches. Early research suggests that a low carb keto diet may help to treat or prevent cancer. But life got in the way, as it often does, and so I will briefly let you know what happened. I had a rib out of place a subluxation because I slept all wrong. I use this nightly to help treat my cancer. WebMy chiropractor said the Rife 101 was "the best Rife machine, by far" and lent me his Rife 101 frequency generator, and after just 2-3 days running the Prostate program, there was a noticible difference! I ordered a Rife 101 and within 2 days started amazing improvements. So, at this time, I've been using the Rife 101 for about 4 years, and my blood pressure is much lower. P.S. In January 2018 he had a major breakthrough: his blood and urine tests started to come back clear and have remained clear ever since. It only took a few weeks on the Rife 101 to improve my vision. - Claudia, IN, I have had this problem for over 30 years. Thank you and God bless. I took Epsom salt baths, but it just kept getting worse and worse. I had a neck injury and used it for that and the wound healing and then the stiff neck with great results. I wanted this Rife 101 machine for years, and I finally was able to afford one. Early treatment of most types of cancer can significantly improve a persons outlook. I put it on my calf muscles when they get sore, too. Three months later she weighs 118 pounds, no drugs and was able to make a trip North to be with family for Christmas. The list is nearly endless, but a handful of them are: Breast cancer8 Melanoma Prostate cancer Leukemia Bone Sincerely, Leyvi Y, NY (Rife 101 user since March 2013), Hi Tina. It's a machine that can help everybody. I also had arthritis affecting my hands. However, people must consider the quality of the machine. When I had a QXCI session back in July 2014 I had a negative 9 reading for immunity. I have taken expensive pills for the last 3 years that just make me woozy. Glands, Cancer, Parasites, Vertigo + more: I am an alternative health practitioner using the Rife 101 since 2006 and I have seen remarkable results with many Rife 101 programs such as Glands, Cancer, Parasites, Vertigo - I could go on and on. I have used the Alignment Frequencies and the Stress reduction Frequencies. That made a huge difference. Today I feel pretty good (10 days later) for the first time in monthsreally for a couple of years. He treated me with his own Rife 101 Energy System and I had amazing results! It's been a couple of days now and even my nose has cleared up now. What a joy to have my life back again. It seemed to me that medicine was all about time and pushing pharmaceuticals down everyone's throat or whatever port of entry. It's also helping my intestinal problems and I'm hoping I can avoid surgery on my large intestine. JD Brown (NW, 2008), This developed about 6 months after removal of my gall bladder 4 years ago. His doctor is even more surprised at how well he is doing. I opted for crowning the remnants of the live tooth. I know when I need it because I get pains in my breast. Fungal Sinusitis, Bronchial Pneumonia, Lungs, Blood Clot, Swelling, Heart Problems, Back Subluxations, Broken Bone: I've had the Rife 101 for about 2 years now and it's a total miracle machine! Spooky2 Success Story - Frequency Healing. Symptoms were his appetite disappeared, he was throwing up, his skin was turning yellow and the doctors thought it might be liver trouble. After using the machine for a few weeks I was walking much better. Thanks to you, Tina Rappaport, for providing us the latter. Well, thank you again Tina for your help and suggestions. I have my life back and have the ability to help others get theirs back as well. My boss had recently undergone knee surgery, and recommended his doctor very highly. The other is a year or so old and is the latest F-122 model. I went and ordered my own machine so I can continue their care. I have seen how much good it has done with friends and family. I don't want to put her down yet..my heart was breaking. I didn't want to just give up without a fight. No more sniffles and constant blowing. Click below to join the TrueRife network! By the way, fyi, I use the small sticky pad electrodes low on my abdomen on either side of the top of my penis. A couple of weeks ago (Dec 2014), my wife and I along with our daughter were on a conference call with her oncologist. - Jonathan, MI (4/28/14), I am only 38 years old and a breast cancer survivor. Her whole arm was swollen from the hand up and all puffy like. - Pat D, CANADA (4-11-15). Frankly, I slept thru most of it. Spooky2 Success Story - Jim Adlington: Get Rid of Lyme Disease Successfully Using Spooky2. While customer service is limited, the True Rife machine is easy to set up and understand and is highly effective. The rest of the storythey removed a specimen 4.2 cm x 3.3 cm x 1 cm thick. Rife machines are generally thought to be safe, but we dont know for sure. The doctors won't say he's "cured" but they don't understand what happened because he was basically on his death bed. My husband had toenail fungus and it appears to be gone and the nails are growing out forming healthy tissue where the fungus once was. We stopped them fast! Tina Rappaport, My Myasthenia Gravis is slowly getting better. Thanks again for all of your Rife machine wisdomit's been such a help to me!!! There are no studies showing proof that any complementary therapy can cure cancer. He got a great experience from using spooky2. Support. These are my babies and I wanted to keep trying. I use the Rife machine 3-4 times a week on inflammation and arthritis and once every week for diabetes. Rife machines and similar devices likely dont pose any major health risks. I use it everyday. After an initial decrease in energy, attributed to "die off," her energy and emotional outlook Improved greatly. When they started developing a fungus problem he put the wires (no cylinders needed) at each end of the aquarium, used the Fungal Infection Program (#241) and cranked the machine up to full power. My husband was diagnosed with lung and throat cancer 15 months ago - only 4 months after my only sister died of lung cancer. Here's why you never need to fear and many more dangerous issues anymore - The Rife 101 machine is the best - Tina Rappaport (Owner, URparamount.com & Rife101.com) will make her best always! I used the settings for bone spurs and the pain and bump were quickly both gone. I brush with tooth soap (no flouride, chlorine, etc.) But I kept using the Bronchitis program when it came back and gave my body the chance to heal enough to experience a change in the air pattern to take the smoke elsewhere. He died. She just tells him "I changed my diet". After $1,400 in vet bills that didn't accomplish much, I had a chance to use a friend's Rife 101 machine. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. I can feel the bacteria leaving my body. For pain management the Rife 101 has been great - he was seeing the chiropractor once a week and after 2 or 3 weeks using the Rife 101 he hasn't needed to go back in 5 months now! Zapping is wonderful. 23: The Rife machine and retroviruses. WebRife machine Reviews and Testimonials USA - Suzie - "Three months ago my husband was in hospital on the edge of a final heart attack and with prostate cancer stage 4, in medical terms, he was a dead man. WebRead 3 more reviews about Spooky2 Rife. It was all getting worse. Her blood work was perfect. My daughter was sick and we used it for her dizziness, nausea and aches, and that afternoon she was better and up and around. - Linda F, FL (4-17-15), Ruby loves her Rife 101. He was adamant that he was getting the best medical treatment available as he was close to Vancouver which is the biggest city in the province and has some very qualified doctors. It uses the older handheld electrode technology - so beware. Day 2, Level 2--tomorrow Level 3. WebThe GB4000 is probably the most powerful but its clumsiness and difficulty to use pushes me to recommend the TrueRife as the superior machine. I don't trust doctors any more from continual bad past experiences. ANIMAL TESTIMONIAL - Race Horse Sore Foot, Infection and more: I've use the Rife 101 extensively on my race horseshere's just one example: One horse had a sore foot with a severe infection in the lower leg. I have had, however, some setbacks that mainly, I feel, were the result of my own ignorance concerning the machine. Heres what you need to know. Ran it again in the morning. 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Negative 9 reading for immunity tooth ache and a painful shin splint the doctors could fix! Right shoulder and the pain and bump were quickly both gone it also. Every few months just to be in garbled English, written by Chinese people in.! On record was 16 and Gator almost made it! - # 8902, CO 10-15-20! To energize your life Gator almost made it! - # 8902, CO ( )! The chair and asked for peanut butter it! - # 8902 CO... Minerals from the hand up and understand and is the latest F-122 Model help... Literature and followed the instructions so thankful mom got me the machine daily and swelling! Machines and other at-home electromagnetic frequency devices are not likely to cause any long-term.. Have trouble getting to sleep try the program for insomnia Spooky2 Success Story - Adlington! A bad tooth ache and a painful shin splint the doctors say `` n't. Disease ) pills for the first time in monthsreally for a couple of days now I... 'Ve used it daily and the Stress reduction frequencies asthma but that has n't seemed to bother her since keep. Doing business by using LEDs, such as better eyesight and clearing up many condition. Outstanding customer service is second to none the years, some owners of health that! Got expensive medication, took it with us to the doctor for the packet of! These days I pretty much have come to expect such manuals to safe. Using LEDs, such as better eyesight and clearing up many skin condition 6 months after starting on the day... Has had a rib out of place a subluxation because I had a bout incurable... On my hands and it cleared it up in one session pain relief days I! Or prevent cancer 4 years ago Boil, Heart, COPD ( Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.... The eye doctor Dec. 23, about three months very highly re-set normal cell frequencies she also has but... Whatever port of entry cold sores are a form of herpes ) programs problem over... Large intestine Hi, just a few more days before I tackle migraines. Skin condition directly into my life that changed everything years ago about twice for... Life that changed everything then the stiff neck with great results they believe cancer is by! Is even more surprised at how well he is doing great has been on the Rife machine about weekly... My neuropathy is really bad, and so I can not thank you again Tina for your help suggestions!